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Trillian Pro 2.0 BETA

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  • Trillian Pro 2.0 BETA

    Cerulean Software have begun BETA testing Trillian Pro 2.0. I've just started my official test and will post up my findings in a few days. If anyone else happens to be testing the program your input would be much appreciated :)

    Trillian Homepage

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Trillian.

    [EDIT]The remaining part was not needed so removed ;)[/EDIT]

  • #2
    Are you allowed to comment on any of the new features it has over 1.0 Pro? I'm interested to see what's new...


    • #3
      Trillian v2.0 Pro includes many new features and bug fixes. Briefly:
      • Full Unicode support
      • Enhanced SDK
      • Skin zips
      • And many bug fixes and feature requests

      I will find the changelog.txt file and post it tommorrow, I will also be uploading some screenshots. Oh and a note for anyone looking for the file on the net, even if you can find the setup EXE it requires a valid subscriber username and password, so don't waste your time :(


      • #4
        Version 2.0 Pro (Beta 1) July 1, 2003
        * Feature: A new event on status changes so that online sound does not trigger on status change
        * Feature: A quick way to change profiles (via the File menu)
        * Feature: A way to delete the recent container list
        * Feature: Add a tooltip for systray alerts so that you can mouse over and read, if its too long
        * Feature: Added example of %d in timestamp
        * Feature: Added Trillian to the Default IM group
        * Feature: Advanced section of skins so that you can change emoticons, languages, interface, sounds
        * Feature: Alerts allow sign off and status change options
        * Feature: All browser pages opened through a central spot, so that plugins can be the default browser
        * Feature: All dlls are properly versioned
        * Feature: An easy way to switch layouts within a window (right click->advanced)
        * Feature: Be able to hide systray alerts when away
        * Feature: Better default section colors
        * Feature: Better looking default menus
        * Feature: Better looking floating entries
        * Feature: Buffer when negotiating secureIM
        * Feature: Context menu button in Trillian windows (keyboard)
        * Feature: Ctrl+c and Ctrl+insert over list will copy the text in the list
        * Feature: Default message systray alert (Bob says: Hello)
        * Feature: Default sign on/off systray alert (Bob has signed on)
        * Feature: Floaters will snap to the edges of the screen
        * Feature: Global connect/disconnect program action events
        * Feature: Jpeg2000 support for skins
        * Feature: Kill alerts via right click
        * Feature: Last message received information in the status bar
        * Feature: Listviews select the entire line, not just initial column
        * Feature: Mass 'reset default source' for multiple contacts
        * Feature: MetaContact alerts
        * Feature: New event - kill all alert windows
        * Feature: New yahoo webcam format support
        * Feature: Newer version of Expat, so utf8 files are properly supported
        * Feature: New contact adding wizard
        * Feature: Option to clear the log from within the message window
        * Feature: Option to not log secure sessions
        * Feature: Per connection contact list support
        * Feature: Quick-Add plugin loading button
        * Feature: Revamped alert system, including mass alerts
        * Feature: Revamped some drawing code to support future technologies
        * Feature: Revert to original contact name by entering in 0 text in the inline edit
        * Feature: right click edit -> insert -> history -> list of last 10
        * Feature: Right click MetaContact->mass message
        * Feature: Scroll the window while you select text
        * Feature: Scrollbar added to email from within window
        * Feature: Select many contacts-> set default source
        * Feature: Show 'text copied to clipboard' when you select text
        * Feature: Show the progress of a file transfer within the title of the window
        * Feature: Skin chooser is now within preferences (no second click required)
        * Feature: Subcontact events, so that a MetaContact can trigger an event without seeing its subcontacts
        * Feature: Systray events have 'on click' event trigger
        * Feature: Tooltip, taskbar, menubar, display, edit and icon holder can be transparent in skins now
        * Feature: Tooltips for emoticons within the window
        * Feature: Trillian will ask to restart on skin change
        * Feature: Unicode support throughout the client
        * Feature: Variables within the event system
        * Feature: Yahoo webcam sizes
        * Feature: Better IME support, so that voice recognition window shows up in the right spot
        * Feature: Tabbed window option for containers (forces maximize state)
        * Feature: All links throughout trillian abide by the 'open new browser' pref
        * Feature: Buddy icons are now per medium
        * Feature: Window preferences are now per medium/name, not just per name
        * Feature: Double click button support
        * Feature: Added /noplugins command line param
        * Feature: Type in multiple characters into a list to search for an entry
        * Feature: All emoticons should work now (except :s, sorry)
        * Feature: Added a shadow to floaters (XP)
        * Feature: Added a shadow to menus and fixed trails when they leave
        * Feature: Floaters move much faster now under XP
        * Feature: Tabbed windows
        * Feature: Better tooltips with buddy icon shown for contacts
        * Feature: MSN windows will now morph into a chat session with more than 2 people
        * Feature: Systray alerts now grow to fit content
        * Feature: Systray alerts will fall to be as close to clock as they can
        * Feature: Systray alerts show buddy icon if available
        * Feature: Language pack support
        * Feature: Animation added within the emoticon window
        * Feature: Emoticon window now has newer layout with group support
        * Feature: Status integration within the chat window
        * Feature: Winshade mode within the default whistler skin
        * Feature: Detect when plugins are updated on the server and notify via systray
        * Feature: Emoticon scaling based on text size
        * Feature: Hidden windows within a container can be cycled to with ctrl+tab
        * Feature: Right click menu for systray uses Trillian menu
        * Feature: New loading and about screens
        * Feature: Right click menu for systray includes a "Tasks" menu now
        * Feature: Faster jpeg file loading
        * Feature: Skin zips (.tsz files)
        * Feature: Basic PNG support
        * Feature: New events for Fast User Switching

        * Fixed: A docked, hidden contact list will steal space even though its hidden
        * Fixed: Aim users get a large font on mass messaging sometimes
        * Fixed: Alt+F, etc for menubar entries
        * Fixed: An issue where the contact list will invalidate itself
        * Fixed: Better error when log viewer not found
        * Fixed: Black and white will be slightly faster
        * Fixed: Border of window (OS-made) should appear less often
        * Fixed: Choose a current event, change to systray choice, will not pick default choice
        * Fixed: Click the title area of a floater near the left, it will expand if it.s a group
        * Fixed: commas in a URL will not work well when clicking the use current button
        * Fixed: Cordillera medium icons not showing up in Pro
        * Fixed: CTCP action in irc with no params
        * Fixed: Custom windows sometimes redrew often prior to display
        * Fixed: Default +/- icons in list are not transparent
        * Fixed: Desktop Flashing when Trillian loaded
        * Fixed: Disable add button in message window if they already exist
        * Fixed: disabled edit box message does not show up according to skin colors
        * Fixed: disabled menu icon showing its hovered state
        * Fixed: Docking saving after reboot
        * Fixed: Emoticons properly select when selected in the window (invert colors)
        * Fixed: Events->general screen does not work well with large fonts
        * Fixed: Faster phase switching on some skins
        * Fixed: File sending button will be disabled in the window if it is not supported for that medium
        * Fixed: Focus on the password section of the profile login screen if only one profile exists
        * Fixed: ICQ/Yahoo accented characters
        * Fixed: If an away message is not listed in away menu, it could stop other away messages from working
        * Fixed: if file transfer directory does not exist, fix it up
        * Fixed: if no console exists, don.t show console option in message window menu
        * Fixed: if people put weird display name characters, file transfer may not properly create the directory
        * Fixed: Image referencing within the skin
        * Fixed: issue if we get black on black background, we will invert it (from mac computers)
        * Fixed: Issue where a window becomes unclickable unless you click another window
        * Fixed: Issue where certain menu popups will not show when moused over too quickly
        * Fixed: Issue where default browser on system is not used
        * Fixed: Issue where inline editing can be off by a pixel or two
        * Fixed: issue where menubar may not properly calculate widths
        * Fixed: Issue where metacontacts must be the last thing within a icon list in the skin
        * Fixed: issue where the XP icon will not show up initially
        * Fixed: Issues where some directories are invalid, it will properly regenerate them
        * Fixed: Kill the cursor when the edit box is disabled
        * Fixed: Limit the length of the folder that can be created based on a users name for file transfers
        * Fixed: List sorting in the plugins area
        * Fixed: Minimize a window sometimes does not kill flashing of the window
        * Fixed: Moving up and down on the plugin pref page will not update the bottom
        * Fixed: No way to change the profile name after created
        * Fixed: paste in text, have colored outgoing text, it will go back to black when typing again
        * Fixed: Phase changing screwing up in initial window
        * Fixed: Play sounds when in focus button in events does not stick sometimes
        * Fixed: Plugin installer crashing on load
        * Fixed: Preferences->windows edit box does not have enough room
        * Fixed: press right, right on a submenu that has a submenu and it will draw wrong
        * Fixed: Quality of webcam should be better by default
        * Fixed: right click a contact and move to root, will not move
        * Fixed: Sections do not save their ordering all the time
        * Fixed: Send URL button in a mass message window
        * Fixed: Set me back on message checkbox will work all the time
        * Fixed: Settings should save better on reboot
        * Fixed: Skin choice not saving 100% of the time
        * Fixed: skin chooser when launched initially will not show default skin
        * Fixed: Skin preview area to properly fit a 320x240 image (with default fonts on)
        * Fixed: some issues where metacontacts do not show the right bolding or do not get unbolded
        * Fixed: Some issues where the log file does not work
        * Fixed: Some issues with invalid buddies.xml files
        * Fixed: Sometimes icons are cut off initially in contact list
        * Fixed: Sometimes owner drawn groups are not displayed properly when floating
        * Fixed: Startup/shutdown screen prefs do not save properly sometimes
        * Fixed: Tasks menu does not bring a hidden file transfer to front, just shows it
        * Fixed: Text formatting within a systray alert sometimes does not work well wrapped
        * Fixed: Tooltip for a resizable button will adhere for the whole button
        * Fixed: Tooltips over the contact list sometimes do not line up 100% of the time
        * Fixed: Transparency setting for windows will save better
        * Fixed: Trillian will not move on a brief resolution change
        * Fixed: User events not always listed in the event choice
        * Fixed: Where enter key gives a newline in some occasions when its supposed to send
        * Fixed: Wordmatching sounds get a higher priority than incoming message sounds
        * Fixed: Issues with autohistory and some crashes
        * Fixed: Security issues throughout
        * Fixed: DND a file to a contact will not abide by default source
        * Fixed: Better initial listview column width calculation
        * Fixed: Store the desired size for phase changes (helps winshade mode)
        * Fixed: Hotkey may not be set if its action is not loaded on startup
        * Fixed: When a section is shown, it may not update scrollbar location
        * Fixed: Template windows will not phase change properly
        * Fixed: Added a utf8 header to logs so that they will show in notepad correctly
        * Fixed: Optimized the html on sending text so that you can send more on mediums which have limits
        * Fixed: Issue where other windows will jump to front when switching between menubar entries
        * Fixed: Bug where systray alerts may show a blue background inappropriately
        * Fixed: Options->set font within IM windows will select the current font
        * Fixed: End a line with an emoticon, it may skip a line
        * Fixed: If an invalid DirectIM is given, ignore
        * Fixed: Issue where ctrl+tab may not cycle properly within a container

        * Change: Added some more text to the initial profile wizard
        * Change: Added to text to distinguish between Trillian profiles and Aim profiles (for instance)
        * Change: Do not say that no skins are found when they were found
        * Change: Fixed button ordering in some areas to be more correct
        * Change: Removed the show tooltip event, pointless
        * Change: The initial bulk sign on time is more accurate
        * Change: Title of resume edit box to already exists
        * Change: Description static within preferences->plugins is longer now

        * SDK: Able to make your own medium...finally
        * SDK: Allow multiple aliases of the same text to be triggered on (unless a stop is given)
        * SDK: Be able to detect what version of Trillian is running
        * SDK: Be able to launch a particular preferences page
        * SDK: Be able to register for your own particular protocols for links
        * SDK: Change name to be the real_name on a broadcastMessage (sorry to those who hacked this to work)
        * SDK: Contact list enumerate will return the real status, not the pending status
        * SDK: Drag and drop support in the contact list
        * SDK: Events able to be caught with their variables, registered for, etc
        * SDK: Interplugin communication
        * SDK: Skin based access, along with skin adding from within plugin
        * SDK: XML access
        * SDK: Increased to version 2 of the SDK (if you only support features in 1.1 and above, make your plugin version 2)
        * SDK: Added global config directory and trillian directory to load
        * SDK: New alert response generated "alert_initiatedDestroy"
        * SDK: Allow access to contact tooltips

        * Y!: my mail account double click was opening in the same browser - fixed to open in new browser.
        * Y!: added 'send file' ability.
        * Y!: allow usernames (and others)
        * Y!: default webcam quality of 7
        * Y!: add 'clear mail notification' to right click
        * Y!: better parsing of non-english characters.
        * Y!: profile viewing will use minibrowser when available
        * Y!: fixed crash with new message being sent by yahoo servers.

        * MSN: profile viewing will use minibrowser when available
        * MSN: set a 0 priority to your own MSN account if its in a meta contact
        * MSN: go directly to a new message in hotmail when clicking systray alert.
        * MSN: fixed one issue where users will get disconnected after connecting (bad buddies.xml file)
        * MSN: mobile messaging - choose a source, we forget to open a mobile window.
        * MSN: incoming file transfers ignored your filename choice if you overrode the original
        * MSN: fixed bug with display name crashes
        * MSN: unicode support for changing display name dialogs.
        * MSN: Inbound webcam viewing supported.

        * AIM: aim preferences crash when server data not available fixed.
        * AIM: make sure profiles are written to disk after sending to server.
        * AIM: auto vscroll the edit profile window
        * AIM: be sure to write profile to disk after sending to server.
        * AIM: fix BLT import crash when quoted buddy has alerts.
        * AIM: imported buddies sometimes not getting right click menus.
        * AIM: in normal aim get member info dialog put "*download minibrowser plugin here for html based profiles".
        * AIM: better description for error code 20.
        * AIM: allow customized mail links for accounts - compuserve and netscape users can change this.
        * AIM: better intelligence when seeking a connection for a get member info request.
        * AIM: fixed not seeing mac clients buddy icons.
        * AIM: option to not log SecureIM messages.
        * AIM: user is typing support
        * AIM: support
        * AIM: fixed crash with AOL8 users

        * ICQ: strip preceding 0's from SMS number area codes.
        * ICQ: delete an account, recreate, tells you that it already exists.
        * ICQ: added "send sms message" link to console windows so you don't need to bind #s to contacts.
        * ICQ: don't treat invisible contacts as 'away' priority in a meta contact
        * ICQ: window creation was considering SMS windows real windows.
        * ICQ: option to not log SMS messages.
        * ICQ: option to not log SecureIM messages.
        * ICQ: fixed ICQ2Go compatibility
        * ICQ: fix some weird global invisible -> global back bug.

        * IRC: some prefs weren't saving right.
        * IRC: better IRCX support, dont send busted ping commands
        * IRC: use the right port when reconnecting to an IRC server
        * IRC: fixed server passwords not working

        * IMs: cleaned up menu sanity somewhat - make sure all options sync across media.
        * IMs: add versions to DLLs.
        * IMs: in 'modify alerts', if you deselect all alerts and hit 'ok', alert will now be removed.
        * IMs: removing a mail account dumps settings to disk now.
        * IMs: better error checking when socket() fails - these were some really unchecked cases and i found
        a few weird memory leaks along the way. yippie!
        * IMs: make sure files are truncated on overwrite.
        * IMs: sped up file transfers.
        * IMs: Fixed security issues throughout

        * PROXY: plugins were showing up twice in listing in certain conditions.

        * RSS: bug - wasn't showing the last entry of an RSS feed.
        * RSS: ensure proper parsing of &amp and &quot in title and description.
        * RSS: allow importing of OPML files with title,xmlUrl,type=rss fields.
        * RSS: 'last checked' time wasn't showing up properly.
        * RSS: highlight recently updated feeds (optional)
        * RSS: view source in group right click
        * RSS: view channel home in group right click
        * RSS: download image tags if available and show in tooltip
        * RSS: added refresh time option for feeds

        * POP3: fixed crash when 'show mail accounts in contact list' off and account was added
        * POP3: fixed some quirks with removing accounts and accounts still displaying in contact list
        * POP3: show last 5 messages as child of mail account (optional)

        * ACCUWEATHER: strip extra whitespace at the end of zipcodes/ticket symbols
        * ACCUWEATHER: allow drag and drop of entities
        * ACCUWEATHER: add contact data to new tooltips

        * STOCKS: strip extra whitespace at the end of zipcodes/ticket symbols
        * STOCKS: customizable display patterns added
        * STOCKS: added variables and options to control how many shares of a stock you own
        * STOCKS: added edit ability for symbols - change format string and share count.
        * STOCKS: fixed bug with case sensitive symbols
        * STOCKS: allow drag and drop of entities

        * MYSTUFF: Show URL Grabber information without a drawer (in its section)
        * MYSTUFF: options to limit url grabber
        * MYSTUFF: Be able to create new folders and drag and drop between them
        * MYSTUFF: Unicode Support
        * MYSTUFF: Inline renaming functionality
        * MYSTUFF: Allow URL Grabber to go into the IE Favorites
        * MYSTUFF: Allow web searching using MySearch from within

        * CLIPBOARD: Add a copy to clipboard button within the clip view

        * MINIBROWSER: Set as the default browser
        * MINIBROWSER: Update location bar when you visit a page
        * MINIBROWSER: Update title bar when you visit a page
        * MINIBROWSER: Expand edit area as you enlarge the window
        * MINIBROWSER: Option: Suppress some popups
        * MINIBROWSER: Enter key will trigger 'go' button

        * JABBER: Basic Jabber and preliminary XMPP support
        * JABBER: groupchat
        * JABBER: iq:oob file transfers
        * JABBER: SSL support

        * SPELLCHECK: underlines misspelled words in real-time
        * SPELLCHECK: right-click offers suggested replacements
        * SPELLCHECK: supports autocorrects


        • #5
          Trillian is good, but after using Gaim on Linux, I had to start using it in Windows too's just soo much better IMO


          *and it's all free..there is no freeware vs Pro ($$) stuff


          • #6
            I love trillian, but do you have a link on gaim minibubba? would like to see whats different about it....


            • #7
              there is a link in my last post ;)

              but if you'd like it again, it's here: :)


              • #8
                my bad :) I'm using opera and those links done show up properly :)

                course it could be my drunken state lol


                • #9
                  in that case, I'm going to have to promote another one of my prefered pieces of software :D

                  and an installer is available here:



                  • #10
                    oh no tks anyways....mozilla cant stay where its at...


                    • #11
                      lol, oh well ....I tried


                      • #12
                        This thread wasn't really about Mozilla (evil evil program), but if you want to talk about open-source alternatives, I use a little program called Miranda IM when I'm not using Trillian.

                        Miranda IM Homepage

                        Miranda is compact, free, and highly customizable. It comes with next to nothing except for ICQ support, you individually add plug-ins for each feature as you see fit (MSN Protocol, History Logging, SMS etc.) It can take a while to setup at first but once configured properly it's quick and effecient. If you like the features in Trillian Pro but don't want to pay up, I strongly recommend you check this program out.

                        Trillian Pro 2.0 screenshots coming soon.


                        • #13
                          what's so 'evil' about Mozilla and Firebird :?:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by minibubba
                            what's so 'evil' about Mozilla and Firebird :?:
                            may be there start up has a dianosaur and another one a dragon :laugh:
                            actually imo if u r on linux...u must give firebird a try. u would love all those keyboard shortcuts that we miss from IE6
                            Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                            Last Updated:
                            10th MARCH

                            If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                            icq : 203189004
                            jabber : [email protected]
                            Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                            yabaa dabaa doo...
                            Customized for 1024x768


                            • #15
                              yes, that little dragon looks soo evil :laugh:

                              Firebird has got to be one of the best browsers I've ever used. I use it with thunderbird on both windows and linux ...can't say I ever missed IE for a minute :devil:

                              So I really would like to know why someone thinks it's so bad...

