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Trillian Pro 2.0 BETA

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  • #16
    To my knowledge, Netscape 6.x used the Mozilla engine, now whilst this wasn't Mozilla's fault (being open-source and all) I just lost alot of respect for the project, partially due to the fact that it had become so successful in a short space of time. Most recent Linux distributions include Mozilla now, it's not really like you have to go out of your way to get this uber leet browser no-ones ever heard of is it? Any joe blow can whack a CD in and install Linux nowadays.

    I guess to me it just lost alot of it's appeal.

    I design all my websites for Internet Explorer 6, using W3C approved HTML and CSS, and they all look like **** in Linux using any browser. The simple fact is there's an overpoweringly high number of users still using IE (obviously) - to coin the phrase:

    If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em!


    • #17
      Why join em when what they use is ****, and you can use soimething Heaps better?


      • #18
        TeqnoHaxor, I assume you designed the site you link to in your sig? If so, then it looks fine in Linux with Firebird...but that may be because I installed some better fonts... :shrug:

        anyway, to each his own... I've never once considered going back to IE once I stated using Mozilla, but that's just me (and nearly everyone I've introduced Mozilla and/pr Firebird too ;) )


