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Web sites 4 idiots (Warning this thread has escaped the BG)

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  • TwizlZone, I'm not sure what you're after?
    If it's a list of non-standard fonts that will be displayed within the browser of users visiting your site............then you are out of luck.

    Not going to happen, too many OSs too many browsers.
    Just have to concentrate on the words you use, because the letters don't mean diddly. Be happy it looks pretty on your end, and figure it as our loss that we don't see it - because most of us won't.

    Keeping the fonts file lean and trim is an old tweaking trick from way back -- like Windows 95 or before. Keeps things running just that much more smoothly, not sure about the current Windows, but the old ones would actually bog down if you got too many fonts - no kidding.

    As I stated before, there is a way to force a font to install to Windows through a script. (At least there used to be, I'm not sure if that is still valid for IE6 - considering the added measures that have been taken for securities sake)

    I have always had that little feature disabled, as I don't want to be gathering unwanted fonts while I surf the web. There are actually stories about folks who had systems bog down and the folks who fixed 'em found hundreds of fonts installed the user didn't even know about.
    OK, maybe that is an urban legend?

    But there are documented font limitations for older Windows OSs just the same. A lot of us folks with older systems keep 'em as lean 'n' mean as possible to try to keep up with the ever increasing demands of everyday computing.
    A bit of old-fashioned tweaking, that may be becoming a lost art:?:
    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


    • Originally posted by Mr. C
      I stand corrected!!:o

      Reading through the last couple of pages ........... it sure looked like the BG:?:

      Oh dopey me
      If there be a need for any dopey appologies, i do believe,
      :wave: that would be mandated on my behalf more than yours
      Mr.C.............*as dryad slinks back to BG G home with tail between
      crawling legs*:D Now, where's that comforting cave?
      Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


      • Originally posted by [size=6
        I will change the font, But i am a bit disurbed that I can't use fancier fonts!:thumbs do Why do they have them then????
        Being a stubburn red head, I will still want a different font than the norm.
        The fancier fonts are meant really for presentations and documents where "what ya see is what ya get". The web is a different kettle of fish though as ya relyin' on other ppl's systems to interpret your code and if they don't have those necessary fonts (which 98% won't) then they just default to standard font.


        • Twizl:- ok when I apologised for trying not to sound negative I got told off (?!) so here goes just a suggestion from what I learnt when I used a Mac and published / edited student newspapers:-

          try checking out your favourite sites and llok at the fonts and the colourings critically.

          If you notice it, most easy to read sites have a pale background and dark text for the main body of text.

          Titles can have fancy fonts but these are best used sparingly for "readability".

          The main text font almost always is "sans serif" i.e. fonts without twiddly bits on the individual letters.

          Try and keep each page to a page.

          Keep the navigation tools/bars/links consistent and simple and easy to reach.

          If in doubt about page width always err on the side of narrower rather than wider. Folks are happier to scroll down than scroll across.

          Hope this helps? :cheers:


          • You should also take note that a lot of the fancy-schmancy lettering found in titles, logos, headers and such are in actuality images -- such as the "TweakTown Forums" logo at the top of this page.

            Using that technique, you can display some flashy things and everyone can get to see them (provided they don't have images turned off --- doggone, always a catch isn't there:laugh: )

            Actually, those images can be kept to a pretty minimal filesize, and with a decent connection it can be pretty much invisible that they are images.

            If you look at the first post of this thread, you can see what I'm trying to say;

            Notice the swank lettering at the beginning of each line?
            Those are images cunningly placed through the fastidious use of HTML.
            :laugh: did I make the poster sound like an HTML master or what:rolleyes2
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • Well recieved!!
              Let me see if I got this correct. Basicly I'm not **** outa luck, I just need to adjust things around. I can very much handle the basic font, as long as I can still have some fancy here and there. I.E.? gifs made from (I use) Paint shop pro. and just place it in the proper place. But I'm thinkin that in order for me to make an animation, I would have to take the long road and littery make one frame at a time, save all, then apply in the animation work shop. Not using the banner thing, since thats how most of this started.

              Does my sig have fancy letters to you? It should..Other wiz never mind what I just wrote

              Sun shine thank you for your input aswell. Very nicely worded I might add.:thumb: I will try to pay more attention, And I will check out your links..Thanks:cheers:


              • Yes, we see the image you uploaded. Swank lettering and all - using an image forces it so to speak, because we download the image you upload.
                No font installation is required on our part. The browser is capable of diplaying jpg, bmp ,gif without any further interpretation.

                Not practical to do images for all the text on a page, but using that method you can sprinkle in a bit here and there as in the link in my previous post.

                (it was overlooked in that link, but if you are going to use images for letters/words be sure to include alt tags - or else it is going to be a real mess for someone who is visually impaired)
                The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                • Yes, that can work for me! I can work with this. I'd say ah....?... give me a month, I'll come up with something, watch me :cheers:


                  • Adapt and overcome:thumb:
                    Just keep the images small - as in file size, and those with a quick connection might not even notice.
                    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                    • So take it that thigs have ground to a halt here now? :confused:


                      • I'm here now, but will be gone again tomarrow


                        • Working on new sig again


                          • Is that sig safe:?:
                            .........I mean, it isn't going to burn my screen or anything is it:laugh:

                            Caution____don't look directly at the sig without proper protective gear.
                            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                            • Yah its safe. I was just playing with paintshop pro. Tried out something new.
                              Don't think I'm ganna keep it though.
                              I have an idea, but first I gatta learn more about paintshop. So many things to learn in it too!!
                              It don't look bad does it?

                              Not sure If I already uploaded this or not, but here is an animation I did -----> the long way<-----


                              • I changed the font Mr.C oh and how are you?
                                I hate how these are turning out so choppy

