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Problems with Floppy on WinXP OS

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  • Problems with Floppy on WinXP OS

    I' have problem.

    I can't make my floppy drive work on WinXP OS.
    Only 50% of floppy drives inserted, will be readed
    with no problems. For others I receive message such as:

    "the drive is not ready for use, it's door may be opened.
    Please chech the drive, and make sure that the disk is
    inserted ...."

    This problem is not showed on Win98se, or Win2000 OS.
    I'have allready tried 2 mbo P4S8x-x, several floopy drives ( with different brand mark ), 2 diferent 256 MB DDR memory-moduls ...., I've flashed BIOS to a latest version provided by Asus manufacture ...

    Problem is not so important for me, cause I don't floppy much.
    But, I want it to work

  • #2
    I doubt it is the os. I have seen fds from Sony, Teac, Mitsumi, NEC, etc. all work with xp just fine. I would think there is some problem with the media.

