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Modifying Look of XP w/o TweakXP

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  • Modifying Look of XP w/o TweakXP

    Is it possible to modify the look (titlebars buttons etc.) without having to use TweakXP or one of those? I would think it be something like GIFs or the sort. Just bored at work, but don't want to install a bunch of extra stuff.


  • #2
    So ya've finished overclockin' and tweakin' the work PC as much as ya can so now ya wanta change it's looks? :D


    • #3
      Well, unfortuneatly I can't tweak the work pc. The one in my sig is my home machine. The work machine is Dell 530 Dual 2.4 Xeon with 4Gb of RDRAM. Don't ask me why the IT guy got 4G to use with a 32bit OS... The most I ever pumped it to was 2.3Gb. Having a large PS file rotating, with Corel doing something else, and rendering in MAX. :thumb:

      But this system rocks, I like it. I just change my wallpaper about once a month and would like to customize the rest of it.... without a 3rd-party plugin.

      Any ideas?:idea:


      • #4
        what you need is new UXTheme.dll.
        patch the file and download new visual styles or themes from or
        Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
        Last Updated:
        10th MARCH

        If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
        icq : 203189004
        jabber : [email protected]
        Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
        yabaa dabaa doo...
        Customized for 1024x768


        • #5
          Sweet, thanks... and all that is customable, or... just what is available for download?


          • #6
            u will get skins or in other words visual styles for XP.
            i don't think that lot of things will be left for you to customise though you can find some nice looking styles for your self.

            if you like them then you can always go TGT soft and download their "style maker" to contribute to the collection of those sites.
            Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
            Last Updated:
            10th MARCH

            If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
            icq : 203189004
            jabber : [email protected]
            Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
            yabaa dabaa doo...
            Customized for 1024x768

