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Where is a tec!!

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  • Where is a tec!!

    Originally posted by AMDBOI
    this may sound stupid, but i just dont know.

    i have a case like Wiggo, the blue one on this form.

    fan directions:

    i have one fan in front having the air taking in towards the cpu.

    one on the side with the air taking in towards the cpu.

    and the question is the back 2 fans, exhaust.

    do they need to bring air into the case or do they need to blow the air out?

    please let me know..

    My UNEEC cases use 2 x 34cfm intake fans at the front, 1 x 34cfm intake fan in the side panel over the PCI slots, 2 x 34cfm exhaust fans in the rear and combined with the 32cfm exhaust that the PSU supplies gives me the right amount of positive air pressure within my cases for good coolin'. I do have one UNEEC case that has an exhaust fan in the top but I've found this not only to be a prob with airflow balance but also requires much lower cfm exhaust fans to balance airflow out. One thing about the earlier supplied pic is that the intake fans would have to be of higher cfm ratin's (also higher in noise) to balance out against the more numerous exhast fans.