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Another question about changing "Start" button col

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  • Another question about changing "Start" button col

    Ok, here's a question for anybody familiar with changing the bitmaps for the start button...

    the right side of the button's bitmap has a purple/violet/pink background. This does not show up on the taskbar, however. Somehow the taskbar covers it up, so all we see is green (start button) and silver/blue/green (taskbar).

    When I change the color of the button, however, the purple/violet/pink background to the right of the button shows up between the button and the taskbar. Does anybody know how to get rid of this, or cover it up, like they do somehow with the green button?

    BYW, I tried to just crop the bitmap to no avail...I can't seem to crop it so it's still rounded at the right edge. Also, I tried to make the pink area transparent, but apparently bitmaps can't have transparent parts. Any other suggestions?

  • #2
    Could you post a link to a screenshot of whats happening?
    Also what program are you using? (ResHacker, Style Builder, etc)


    • #3
      Ok, I posted pics of what is happening here...

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      I used Resource Hacker. The pics were orginially bitmaps, but I had to change them to jpegs to upload them to the site. I use bitmaps for the actual start buttons.

      One more thing...somehow I did manage to get one light blue button to work without the pink to the right. I don't know what I did to make that happen. As far as I know, I did nothing significant. I can't get any other colors to work right, etc.

      Thx for the help!


      • #4
        You've changed the color of the pink. My bet is that they have a specifically set pink color set to work as the an alpha, so if it is changed in any fashion, (eg. 1 more red, green, or blue) this could offset the fact of it being that set pink. Open the originals and use that pink and re-fill the pink with that color.

        I keep forgeting to do this at home but I really want to, I'll try and remember when I get home tonight.:snip:


        • #5
          You're probably right about the pink. I'll have to mess with it and see if I can get it back to the old pink....

          I'll let you know what happens.


          • #6
            Yep, that was it. The pink has to be the exact same color....

            Thx very much!

            Now I just need to figure out how to effectively change the colors and the start button, and still maintain its 3-D effect. With the "balance" in MS Photo Shop I can change the colors from green to blue, or green to red, etc. But, I can't get it to silver or something cool like that. Maybe I should have just downloaded style xp or something, lol.



            • #7
              are you using M$ PhotoDraw or Adobe Photoshop :?:

              ...there is no M$ Photoshop...


              • #8
                My bad...

                It's called MS Photo Editor

                by the way, check out this new start button I marble. I'll post it at:

                Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

                What do you think?

                If anybody wants the bitmap of it, let me know and I'll send it. I made it such that it has the same effects that the original start button has (gets lighter when mouse passes over it, gets darker when button is pushed).

