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Really Weird Date thing on W2000 Pro

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  • Really Weird Date thing on W2000 Pro

    Something very awkward has happened to me after I installed W2000 pro and it is the first time and it had never happened to me ever before.
    The thing is that I installed it on a PII 350 - 256RAM.
    Everything worked perfectly but, after finishing the installation the DATE/TIME was set to January 1 - 1601 !!!!!!!!!!!! my god !! the renaissance !!! can you belive that??
    I change it, but everytime I restart it sets back to the middle Ages and there's a pop up error saying, naturally, that the DATE TIME is not set correctly.....
    I checked the BIOS clock and date but they are correctly I don't know what to do....
    THis is unheard of....

    can you help me??

  • #2
    I'm thinking the battery on your mobo is just outta juice. You can try to find a replacement, or just ignore it.


    • #3
      I thought the battery would be the cause, but if you think, the time and date in the BIOS would be wrong as well, but they are ok......
      so it happens only in windows that's what is baffling...


      • #4
        Oh, I missed that part. Hmm... That is odd. Boy I don't know what to tell ya.


        • #5
          I know, it is disheartening......

          so so weird


          • #6
            Stop rebooting?

            I dunno, when I first read the post I thought that its the battery too, but did you replace it anyway, or just going by BIOS?
            The reason Im asking is that ATX supplies the power to mobo even when system is off. so it may be enough to keep BIOS with the right date, although it seems VERY odd.
            Try replacing the battery and see what happens.

