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Whats Adjusting Page File Means?

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  • Whats Adjusting Page File Means?

    Hello guys! i just wanted to ask whats adjusting page file means?

    Because i've been to websites on tweaking Windows and I've seen this part on "Adjusting the page File", can anyone tells me whats this all about?

    thanks in advance!

  • #2
    The page file is basically space on your hard Drive that is dedicated as a sort of "secondary" RAM, I guess you could call it Hard Drive RAM. To change it, you go to Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Settings > Advanced Tab > At the very bottom, under virtual memory, it will have a button titled Change. Click that, and you can change your paging file. It should be roughly 1.5times your actual RAM, for instanc

    512mb RAM=768mb page file
    256mb RAM=512mb page file

    and so on.


    • #3
      i see, thanks for the reply, but is that necessary to add some to my drive?
      Co'z i used to have 768MB on my hard drive, and what i did I delete them, and now its empty.


      • #4
        You need to do some reading - the pagefile is quite important. It should not be 1.5xRAM - that's a mistaken rule. The less RAM you have the larger your pagefile should be. Read this page of my XP Guide.
        My Machine

