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Help, I upgraded now XP cant get up!

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  • Help, I upgraded now XP cant get up!

    I upgraded my motherboard and cpu from a 1600XP to a 2600XP and now windows refuses to run or re-install.

    Upon booting the system, I get the os selection menu, select XP and then get a BSOD and reboots.

    Upon loading setup, I get "Setup is checking hardware..." then the cdrom flickers, hard drive gets accessed and a hard lock. Have to reset via the big blue button.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    (edit: to add sig :) )

  • #2
    How are you trying to reinstall XP?

    Are you booting of CD and doing repair or doing a install?


    • #3
      I was originally just trying to boot XP and hoping for it to detect the new motherboard but it refuses to boot the OS.

      So my next option was to try a repair but windows setup dies after checking hardware.


      • #4
        so you changed motherboard? or just the CPU?
        Are you overclocking?
        If you changed mobos, than you just need to make a whole clean install.
        also try using memtest to check your ram, or maybe try removing a nic or soundcard.

        BTW welcome to the team.


        • #5
          Changing something as vital as the motherboard requires a reformat and reinstall. Even a CPU upgrade requires one.
          My Machine


          • #6
            Make sure that you are running the newest bios for your mobo as well.


            • #7
              Yep, changed both the mobo and cpu. This has been the worst upgrade ever.

              I started by purchasing a 333mhz mobo with a 2600 333mhz athlonXP. DOA. No bios, no beeps no nothing. Only thing workin was the fans and the fan on my ti4600.

              So I figured that my powersupply just couldnt push it cause its 5 years old and only 230 watts.

              Nope my new 500 watt power supply changed nothin.

              Bought a new 333mhz mobo, this time with the sv400 chipset. Still DOA as above.

              So I said f*ck it and bought a standard 266mhz 2600 athlonXP and I am at least getting the bios and its attempting to boot.

              I've tried flashing the bios, turning all ATA PIO modes down to 0, setting my memory down to just 100 mhz, FSB to 100 mhz, put new ide cables in, new floppy cables. Only thing I havent tried yet is to put my old Geforce2 DDR64 back in which I am going to do tomorrow. My SBLive card is out, all onboard periphs are turned off (sound card, network, usb, serial, printer). Only thing left on is the ide0, ide1, floppy. All others are off/disabled.

              I will try the memtest and see how that goes.


              • #8
                What mobo did you buy? Some aren't even worth the box their packaged in.


                • #9
                  First one:

                  Second one:


                  • #10
                    You should always go for good brand name motherboards (Abit, ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI or my favourite EPoX) as tryin' to save a few extra bucks just ain't worth the pain plus SiS and ALi based boards just plain suck. Go for an nForce2 based mobo if ya can as these are the best platforms for Athlons now and even the new VIA KT600 based ones are still left behind by them. A clean reinstall is the only way to go with XP after a hardware upgrade.


                    • #11
                      Ok getting passed my bad choice of mobo makers.. If I could of seen into the future, I would have bought a nforce2 motherboard but I was looking for a quick cheap upgrade before Galaxies came out. :)

                      I was able to atleast get the blue setup screen of setup, however, now it locks on "Loading Windows Executive". I tried jumpering the motherboard down to 100mhz and I get the no bios problem again. I jumper it up to 166mhz and no bios. Only time I even get the bios is when its jumpered at 133mhz.

                      Havent had a chance to test the memory yet (didnt have a floppy - havent used one in over a year lol) and think that just might be the culprit even though it worked fine in my 1600XP.
                      The memory is PC2100 which should work ok in a 266mhz FSB. But i'm leaning toward the fact it cant handle the extra 33mhz.


                      • #12
                        ok, I just went out and bought yet another freaken motherboard and 2 512mb pc2700 DDR memory. I didnt really need a vacation this summer. :tears: :cry:

                        Its a Gigabyte GA-7N400-L1

                        If this doesnt work I'm just gonna be a damn nomad and cast off technology. :shoot2:

                        For those interested mobo specs here:

                        When I get home I'll put this bad boy in and post the results. Gonna try with my 333mhz AMD first. :)


                        • #13
                          well the so-called brand new retail 2600XP 333 is a no-go. I put the 266mhz cpu into that new board with my new memory and I am sitting here typing this on it.

                          Now I can rest easy at night. Was beginning to suffer withdrawl! :wow:

