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Windows XP Boot CD

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  • Windows XP Boot CD

    I have a Windows XP Home edition Cd that I am putting on a computer for a friend. I burned an extra copy when i first bought it in case it got lost or broken (like my Win 98 SE). I tried to boot off the Burned copy and it said it was a failure. Then I booted off the original and its telling me that sysfat is corrupted. Anyway, thats not really a problem. I got a Setup Boot disk from online and I was able to install XP with no problem. I do alot of my computers and as you know the boot disk for Windows XP is 6 floppy disks. I notice that it boots faster on a CD-ROM, plus I can leave it unattended. I've tried burning the floppies to Cd and it gave me a failure message. Is there anyway I can put the setup boot disk on a CD-ROM or reburn the Windows XP CD with the setup boot disk files included so they will load up? Just so you know, these are my dics I own them and they are not bootlegged or downloaded off the internet.

  • #2
    U can burn a booteable CD copy of your disk depending on what software u use. So what software is it that u use to burn?


    • #3
      You own the original disk, but you cannot make copies for others legally. Each XP copy can only be installed on one system, and we don't tolerate illegal stuff here. Thread closed.

      EDIT by Beefy: Woah there... Let the man explain.
      My Machine


      • #4
        I have 3 total copies of Windows XP.
        I have 1 XP Pro (I bought)
        I have 1 XP Home edition Ugrade (I bought)
        I have 1 XP Home Edition full (The one I got in the shop)
        Unfortunately, since you guys don't ask any questions about whats going on. The copy that I got from the person in the shop was not a used copy. Therefore what I did was not illegal. And the copy I burned was only to make sure that If i did loose it that I would have a back-up copy in case anything happend to i. I do that with all my software. I didn't copy to give it away, I didn't copy to sell it or anything. My freidn came over and I had XP Pro on my computer, and then I told him I had an extra copy and I didn't mind giving it to him because It had never been used so activation wasn't a problem. Like I said, when I put it on his computer I bought both my copy and the original, since the copy didnt work i tried the orginal and it didnt work either, and thats when i used a boot disk. anyway, what i did was not illegal in any way, shape, or form becasue I gave an unused copy of XP to a friend. So You closed my thread for no reason! And before you close this one, the copy that I made was the day I got it at the shop, before deciding to give it to my friend.


        • #5
          Merged and re-opened.

          I can see Persian's reason for closing this, and I'm partial to agreeing, but I think, for some reason, we should leave it open.

          My question is, if you're going to be installing this on a friend's computer, then they will have your licence for it, so they might as well have the original CD, as it's only going to be useful to them. If the original didn't work, and there's no obvious scratching on it, then I'd be looking for a problem elsewhere.

          For the floppy question, as you are only doing this one, then it's probably just as easy to use the 6 floppy disks for booting.


          • #6
            Yeah Ok sorry for jumping the gun. But why would you install from the copy first? Could it be you wanted to give your friend the copy and keep the original?

            Basically if you have 3 legimitate copies, and you wanted to give one to a friend, you should have installed from the legitimate copy on his machine, then you wouldn't have any problems.

            Do you see why I have little patience for this sort of stuff? I'm not really a Microsoft support person, so when someone hops on here and doesn't follow basic instructions such as using the original XP disk to install the OS, then my sympathy is little to none.

            Sorry but there are too many posts like this in here and people spend too little time doing some basic reading before acting.
            My Machine


            • #7
              Originally posted by PersianImmortal
              Do you see why I have little patience for this sort of stuff? I'm not really a Microsoft support person, so when someone hops on here and doesn't follow basic instructions such as using the original XP disk to install the OS, then my sympathy is little to none.

              Sorry but there are too many posts like this in here and people spend too little time doing some basic reading before acting.
              I'm with you, but after re-reading the problem, I think it was simply a wording error. There's basically a problem installing, with both original and copied media. Which leads me to believe it's associated with something else. Which is what he was asking.


              • #8
                I see, but first i thank u guys for re-opening my post. My friend has been comming to me for alot of his computer problems, and he's not really that computer savy. I gave him my boot up floppies, and both the copy and the original XP. Its not really a necesary thing, its more of a preference in getting things done quicker. I know that the CD boots quicker. The floppies take way too long and sometimes they get lost. It took my friend at least 20 minutes to find his Windows 98 boot disk. I told him how to make one, but he insisted on finding his. anway, I wanted him to have the original incase he needed microsoft he wouldn't have to say well I have a copy. but I wanted him to have a copy where he could just put the CD in and then let it do the rest and it would do it quicker. I only used the copy first becasue it was the first Cd I had right there. after i found out it didn't work, i went and got the original. when that didn't work, I downloaded a boot disk. I probably should have been more clear (instead of jumping on you guys for doing your job) that this was a question based on mere preference. I know how to download/use/make bootdisks, but the Cd works quicker plus it easy access. Im not that organized (even though I should be) and the CD would be much quicker with less hassle if I have to do stuff over the phone.


                • #9
                  and when I say he wouldn't have to say he has a copy (to be clear) i mean, he wouldn't have to say well I have a burned copy frm my friend, plus I know that I really don't need the CD and when I told him I had a coy he could use I had the intentions of giving him the disc since I already have my own.


                  • #10
                    On the note of me making copies. Theyer only for back-up purposes of software that I own. I worked in a PC Repair shop and in order to make sure that we had working software (ones that we could install on any computer) readily available in case the original broke or if a another copy broke or if they had gotten lost, then we could have it available. But, for my own back-up purposes i make a copy just to be on the safe side. Becuase I don't think companies will replace broken discs (except for The Sims discs, they charge some price like $10 or sumthing). But my copies are solely intended for me. when i made the copy of XP, it was before i offered to give it to my friend.


                    • #11
                      if you just need a bootable CD for XP we have a link in our "Links for all thread".
                      check it there.
                      Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                      Last Updated:
                      10th MARCH

                      If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                      icq : 203189004
                      jabber : [email protected]
                      Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                      yabaa dabaa doo...
                      Customized for 1024x768


                      • #12
                        I still think we're looking at this the wrong way. Forget the legalities of the CD you are using. We understand already. :)

                        You say you get a sysfat problem when you install with the original. Can you elaborate on that? When does it happen? What is it trying to do?


                        • #13
                          You know when you boot off of the CD, when installing to a blank hard drive. It says its loading all of the files at the bottom such as windows debugger, CD file system, NTFS, etc. If you use floppies, its the the time interval whewre you have to keep switching out floppies and all. Anyway, I booted from the orginal and i forget what the extension was but durring loading the preliminary files before asking if i want to install or repair, etc; it says sysfat (i think it was sysfat.dll) is corrupted setup cannot continue.


                          • #14
                            Hmmm.. that's an interesting one. Does the CD work on any other PC?


                            • #15
                              I don't know, I've only used it on my friends PC. I'll have him bring the CD over and I'll test just that part on my other computer and get back to you.

