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Reloading XP

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  • Reloading XP

    I loaded windows XP pro. But I forgot to change some of the jumpers and kept getting some blue screens.
    So I thought I would just reload XP since it would probabl be better.
    Except when I change it to load form CD, it goes through the loading of windows modules. Then it says Starting Windows. But it never does anything after that. It normally does all that, then it shows the different options of repair, reload ro something else.

    Does anbody have any ideas to reload XP? Or is it worth it. I got a lot of blue screens and stuff, it was just really unstable and I don't want to start out with a semi corrupt OS.



  • #2
    Originally posted by Chezman29
    I loaded windows XP pro. But I forgot to change some of the jumpers


    Which jumpers?:confused:


    • #3
      I thought I had switched the jumper for the FSB to match 400, but I switched it to 266/366 because of how it iwas sitting.

      Then the other one was for SATA. I didn't realize you had to change the jumper so SATA was disabled.

      Everything works fine now. I changed a few other things like wires and stuff, with a few misc shutdowns and stuff due to the SATA and FSB instability.

      I would also like to partition the harddrive to a 20gig for Windows, and the 100giig for files. I also have a 60gig slave.

      Thanks for any help you can give,

      When I try and load XP from CD and try and get to the screen where it lets you repair, reinstall or whatever else. It just says starting Windows at the bottom, but never does nothing.


      • #4
        I think I got it. I just clicked on the XP disk and it allowed me to either upgrade or reistall. I picked reinstall. I will see how it works.
        It also said something about being able to partition it.



        • #5
          sounds like your best bet is to format and reinstall winXP ...unless you have some crticial data you need to save


          • #6
            It won't allow me to reformat.

            Got any suggestions.

            It is working fine now though.
            Stable. No problems. Loaded all drivers. Downloading 21 updates right now.
            I don't think it needs to be but it wouldn't hurt, just time comsuming.

            Got any ideas on how to reformat it. I wouldn't mind partitioning it. I forgot to do it cause I was have a few spousal issues.

            thanks bubba,


            • #7

              I am gonna have to. I keep on getting windows setup blue screens.
              Then blue screen errors with a bunch of gibberish.

              Can you let me know how to reformat and start over.
              I am obviously not thinking well enough to figure it out myself right now.
              I would appreciate the help.


              edit: it says run a system diagnostic utility supplied by your hardware manu.
              in particular, run a memory check, and check for faulty or mismatched memory. Try changing video adapters.

              I am running the matched Geil memory.
              Should I just run one of them or what???!?!!?!

              I hate it when things dont' work smooth.
              I have never had this happen before.
              I have both modules in the last 2 blue slots.

              any ideas?


              • #8
                havn't foramted a sata drive yet, but I can't imagine it would be too dificult. Can I assume the winXP CD wouldn't let you format?

                I would have thought the winXP CD would have allowed you to format since you had to load sata drivers during the initial CD loading. :confused: You should probabaly wait till someone with actaul sata experience drops in though.
                *just a thought...did you load the correct sata drivers when booting off the WinXP CD?

                I heard about your real troubles in the Folding thread. I truely hope that can be resolved in a good way.


                • #9
                  Its not a SATA Drive. ITs a WD 120gig.

                  I think something got corrupted during install.

                  I sure hope its not the Geil ram or something cause it is probably too late to return it since it took too long to return it due to the case taking so long to get here.

                  Any ideas on formating the WD and starting over?



                  • #10
                    : omg: why was I thinking sata? ...I must be going crazy...

                    anyway.... you ram could be the problem. In fact it even sounds like it probably is. I recomend you download the ISO version of memtest. You can boot off of that CD and let memtest run to see if the problem lies there.

                    As for formating the drive, any traditional methods should work assuming your RAM is good. I'd recomend you test the RAM before you try to format again. But when you do finally get around to formating once more, I'd recomend recreating the partitions as well.

                    I usually use FDISK to create partitions and let the CD format in NTFS. Also, if you use Partition Magic, you can create a pair of boot disks that will allow you to partition and format from the floppies.

                    But like I said, rule out the Memory before you let this hard dirve stress you out anymore.



                    • #11

                      I hate to bug you again about this.

                      But do you have the url's for the memtest stuff and the fdisk thing.

                      Like I said I have never had to use either of them.

                      Thanks in advance buddy,

                      And yes, and I am pulling my hair out. I usually don't have a problem with this.

                      I also looked into google for reformatting XP and it doesn't look like fun!!!:thumbs do


                      • #12
                        you know how to burn an ISO image, right? If so, go to this page: and download and unzip the .iso

                        partitioning and formating a drive is pretty simple ...but lets do one thing at a time and test the memory first. To really test it, you should run it over-night so it will have the best possible chance to catch random errors.

                        so if you're living in this timezone, burn the image, boot off the CD, and get some sleep ;)

                        if your RAM turns out to be good, we can figure out your HDD then



                        • #13
                          My ram is good.

                          Any ideas on how to reinstall XP Pro?

                          Do I have to download those 6 floppy disks?

                          Or can I put the harddrive in another computer and format it that way.



                          • #14
                            This is sorta like the problems im having, My RAM was good, My install Media was good, and all, so I RMA'd my mobo, and am waiting for a replacement (The *******s refunded my money instead :rolleyes2)


                            • #15
                              I formatted the harddrive using another computer. Just the regular right click then format.

                              I then hooked it back up to my other computer. Booted off the cd-rom, and it goes through the motions of the stuff with the blue screen, then says Setup is starting Windows and gets stuck there.
                              After that it should give you the 3 options. Whats up with that?

                              Any help would be highly appreciated.


