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Slow login

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  • Slow login

    On my XP Pro system, it takes forever to login. All it has to load program wise is msn messenger 6, sygate firewall, and the volume controls. The only one in msconfig is stylexp. I originally thought it was a problem with my slow old hard drive, but now it still does it on my new 120gb baracudda, even with a fresh install of XP.I have no idea whats going on and its annoying as hell. Ive searched the windows KB to no avail. Does anyone have any advice for a mad dyck?

  • #2
    Well, It would probably help to know your system spces and if you have made any changes to your bios or anything else like that.....


    • #3
      GA-7VA XP
      XP 1700+
      256mb Samsung DDR333
      120gb Segate baracuda 7200RPM 8mb
      XP Pro SP1a

      No BOIS changes really, cept disabling what i dont use, like COM ports. Its an older BIOS but i have never seen a need to update, V7 i think.. The new ones just offer support for Barton i think so i dont bother.


      • #4
        Well if i were you I'd just try resetting your bios back to factory default settings and see what that does although I don't think that is where the problem is, but ya never know

        Try a reformat and see what that does

        Oh and one more thing what is the name of the manufacturer of your mother board??


        • #5
          Im on a fresh format. the last 300000 formats have been the same. Mobo is gigabyte.

