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Cannot install XP

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  • Cannot install XP

    So i went out and bough some stuff for my computer to try to get all the parts on the same level...

    Heres my setup:
    M/B GigaByte GA-7VAXP
    Porcessor: AMD 1700+ XP
    Video Card: Asus V9180 MX440 8X AGP
    I had this running WIN Me for a while no problems, just descided I wanted to use my raid funtionality... so i went out and bought:

    A second CD burner:
    TDK 5200B
    Windows XP Home Ed.
    And two WD 80GB hard drives..


    Cannot install XP
    I can install Win98 and Me just fine
    but i keep getting a stop error when I try to install XP from windows...
    When I try to install XP from Dos it gives me an error saying it cannot find any hard drives... huh? Well if i got none how did I install WIn98 and Me..

    I did everything right... full format on both drives, (I didnt set it for raid yet) clean install of Win98 have all WinXP drivers on disk, followed instuctions to the word...

    I went to the microsoft website did all the things they said to do if i get that screen:

    Virus check, update bios, update drivers, reformmated and clean installed again, but i keep getting stuck at either place...

    Anybody help!!! This is really pissing me off, I cant figure it out..

  • #2
    I don't think you want to install xp from within windows,
    you need to boot to cd-rom with the xp cd in the drive.


    • #3
      Originally posted by bailey
      I don't think you want to install xp from within windows,
      you need to boot to cd-rom with the xp cd in the drive.
      you can do it either way...

      Thanks for the reply I figured it out...

      I installed XP using just single hard drive and a single cd drive, then i added the other hard drvie and cd rom and installed the drivers for Ultra 133 and that solved the problem.
      Even thought it loads the drivers during setup it wont regonnize them for some reason til after the install


      • #4
        ok, you must be talking about the upgrade then, I have never used the upgrade cd as yet

