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Bytes sent?

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  • Bytes sent?

    I was looking at my network connection in the control panel,
    and while I am downloading some stuff, there is 222 million bytes received and 11 million bytes sent. I find this strange because nobody is downloading anything from me, and the bytes are still going up. Is this normal? How can I find out what is being sent? I would appreciate some info and thanks if you can help.

  • #2
    Its the confirmation (others as well) packets. Basically they say "I got the chunk#234, send another"
    If this confirmation isnt received by the place you;re downloading from, it will send that data over and over untill the confirmation is received. This is the part of the TCP/IP protocol that makes sure that when you send something, all of it gets there.
    I hope this makes sense.
    and its normal :thumb:


    • #3
      Thanks Kane2G.

