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I have read and read but I still cant....

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  • I have read and read but I still cant....

    Get how to dual boot or triple boot a PC. You know like have 98 on one partition and XP on the other partition.

    Oh yeah and is there a way to change the graphics on the windows XP download program you know the one that asks you where you want the file to go and then you see earth throwing files to a folder? Can You change the earth and the file picture?

  • #2
    Part 1: nothing special to do. just install 98se first and then XP and you will have a OS chosing screen on reboot after XP install. in other words install older OS first and then latest one but if that list of OS involves Linux then Linux would go in end
    Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
    Last Updated:
    10th MARCH

    If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
    icq : 203189004
    jabber : [email protected]
    Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
    yabaa dabaa doo...
    Customized for 1024x768


    • #3
      I triple boot, i got a guide from the internet...wait a sec ill see if i can give you a link to it. Ah ha here you go

      btw i didin't do anything else than this:
      Fomat all (my little 20 Gig HD)
      Partition 1.5g for 98 and 2.5G for xp and 10 gig for progs and games for windows
      Install 98 and basics drivers
      In 98 insert xp CD and start installation on the 2.5G partition
      Install basic XP drivers
      When that works well just boot from linux CD's and install it on the unformatted space left (note: it will take all the space left!)
      Hope tHat helps!
      Go Open source! : peace2:


      • #4
        Originally posted by syx
        Go Open source! : peace2:
        I think I like this^ guy

        Darkerick, mutli-booting is quite simple. If you want to use win9x in the mix, and you want it to be able to see and write to all the partions, format with FAT32.

        1. Create at least 2 patitions
        2. Install the oldest windows first (win98) on the first partiton
        3. Install the next windows (windows xp)
        on the second partion
        That's it, you're done.

        If you ever decided to change the mix, remember that you need a seperate partition for each OS, and to install the oldest winOS first and work your way to the newest. And if you add linux, it get's installed last.


        • #5
          yeah but how do you set both partitiions for installation?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darkerick
            yeah but how do you set both partitiions for installation?
            what do you mean by that? we have told you everything you need to know to multi-boot


            • #7
              i really hate to ask this question but its a must after your last post. have you ever installed Windows on a PC by YOURSELF? if you have never done so then you should give up this idea of double or triple booting and first think abt learning how to install Windows.
              Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
              Last Updated:
              10th MARCH

              If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
              icq : 203189004
              jabber : [email protected]
              Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
              yabaa dabaa doo...
              Customized for 1024x768


              • #8
                As with the majority of questions asked on this forum, the answer is in one of my XP tweak guides. I lament the fact that most people don't read them, or read through both of them carefully :cry:

                Anyway see this page of my 2nd XP guide (Relax to Righteous) for information and links to clear instructions on how to install XP from scratch and an article by Microsoft on how to multiboot your OS.

                That's a good starting point.
                My Machine


                • #9
                  Originally posted by asklepios
                  i really hate to ask this question but its a must after your last post. have you ever installed Windows on a PC by YOURSELF? if you have never done so then you should give up this idea of double or triple booting and first think abt learning how to install Windows.
                  I asked the same question in another of his threads, and got no reply...


                  • #10
                    In response to part two of your question. Yes you can. However the process is very complicated for newbies so i dont recommend it untill you get a better grasp on windows xp.

                    It involves at the very minimum downloaded a hacked windows .dll which includes the new .avi files and bypassing windows file protection (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEWBIES).

                    You can also create the avi yourself, hack the .dll with ResHacker or a similar program, replace the default .avi with the modded one, and bypass windows file protection in order to overwrite the old one.

                    As i said before this procedure may be out of your league for a while but if you really want to try it (AT YOUR OWN RISK) i can post some links that will help you out.


                    • #11
                      yeah I have a computer on XP that I dont give a rats ass what happens to have installed XP on plenty of computer and I just installed XP on this new one. I have 4 partitions. My question is when the installations asks if you want to partition, what do you do to get the partitions ready for operating systems? Like If I make 2 partitions, then do I format both and if so, when you set up a partition, windows auto installs on the first one C: right? So when You put in a linux cd or windows 98 cd will it auto install on D: ot any other partitions?


                      • #12
                        Dude, seriously stop confusing yurself and everyone here. Just start from basics.-

                        1. Get two formatted partitions for your OS's mkay
                        2. Install 98 on first partition let's say C:\windows
                        3. Install XP on second partition say D:\windows

                        now if you've done this correctly and in that order without screwing anything else up it should work...:thumb:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darkerick
                          I have installed XP on plenty of computer and I just installed XP on this new one.
                          ...and you never saw the screen asking you which partition you want to install on? :confused:
                          things would never get simpler than what Mr. Fox just told you. just follow the steps...
                          Originally posted by Beefy
                          I asked the same question in another of his threads, and got no reply...
                          well then i m the lucky one
                          Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                          Last Updated:
                          10th MARCH

                          If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                          icq : 203189004
                          jabber : [email protected]
                          Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                          yabaa dabaa doo...
                          Customized for 1024x768

