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Burning a Mac OS on Windows

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  • Burning a Mac OS on Windows

    um...tell me if im pushing buttons with someone out there (bigbrother).lol..but is there a program that can burn a .dmg file onto a cd...i think its like an .iso for the mac or whatever u wanna call it...but yeah...if there is any program that would burn this on my windows rig...alright peeps..thanks again...


  • #2
    .dmg are Mac only image files, as you thought. What you'll need to do is as described in <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> thread (on a Mac, not a PC):

    1-convert your .dmg file to a CD/DVD master using Disk Copy (apple+K and choose a dmg file then choose master DVD/CD as format)

    2-once conversion is over, you must change the extesion of the output file to .iso (ex : imagename.cdr.dmg => imagename.iso)

    Give that a shot.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Beefy
      .dmg are Mac only image files, as you thought. What you'll need to do is as described in <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> thread (on a Mac, not a PC):

      1-convert your .dmg file to a CD/DVD master using Disk Copy (apple+K and choose a dmg file then choose master DVD/CD as format)

      2-once conversion is over, you must change the extesion of the output file to .iso (ex : imagename.cdr.dmg => imagename.iso)

      Give that a shot.
      thanks, i just read that thread and other things in that thing is...i do not have access to a shouldnt go crazy...i dont evenhave a P***er is alot cheaper than x* yeah..if i ever do throw down over 2grand...for a mac...ill just spend the 120 for the os...ya know what i mean.....thanks again beefy...i didnt expect anyone here to reply...cause ya know how it goes.....MAC is Stupid......personally...its wayyyyy to expensive...if it was alot cheaper..maybe i would buy one and forget about dlls and .exe crashes and **** like that...dont get me wrong...ive seen plenty of mac crash a **** they shouldnt say anything(macheads)...but that new G5 is sweet...but oh well...ill just get a 2.2ghz amd64...mwaahahahahah ok ill shut up now....thanks again beefy...take care



      • #4
        Originally posted by FiReBLaZR
        maybe i would buy one and forget about dlls and .exe crashes and **** like that...
        there is always Linux ;)

        *I know it's off topic, but I couldn't resist


        • #5
          Originally posted by minibubba
          there is always Linux ;)

          *I know it's off topic, but I couldn't resist
          With Mac OS X based on Unix, it's close enough. :)

          I like Macs. Not a lot of PC users do, but I don't mind them. I don't fully understand them yet, but I'm working on it. :D


          • #6
            Originally posted by minibubba
            there is always Linux ;)

            *I know it's off topic, but I couldn't resist
   is cool...but im just soo windows that good stuff...look dont get me wrong..I know that anything on windows is on linux....but i just really dont like the file system structure there....and...i think i will go into linux once it gets really compatable with alot of windows if it can run .exe's ...not using emulation and all yeah...once they change the file system...or whatever....basically i think linux should do a mac type of thing....make everything easy and pretty on top and keep it free or cheap...50-100 or whatever...not 399 for an yeah...ima just ...yeah...hehe...enjoy my post...or whatever...heh...lataz people....



            • #7
              imo it is simply unfair. you are expecting Linux to get .exe's working and that too without emulation??? why don't you expect rpm's to install or sources to compile on windows for that matter? i don't see anything like that happening.
              you'll pay $$ for Windows without any LInux compatibility but you want Linux to change its file system and accomodate exe's? i m not ranting but i could not stop myself. sorry for going off topic here : peace2:
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              • #8
                Im with Beefy on this one.
                I dont mind Macs at all. They are totally different, and I dont mind them, as long as I can figure out how to use them. :thumb:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by asklepios
                  imo it is simply unfair. you are expecting Linux to get .exe's working and that too without emulation??? why don't you expect rpm's to install or sources to compile on windows for that matter? i don't see anything like that happening.
                  you'll pay $$ for Windows without any LInux compatibility but you want Linux to change its file system and accomodate exe's? i m not ranting but i could not stop myself. sorry for going off topic here : peace2:
                  Dont get me wrong...I know im talkin some sort of nonsense about that topic...i know its asking for too much...but that is what would port me over easily...i could still port without that much of a problem but i just want linux to become very user friendly so they can get a larger user base and compete with microsoft...because im tired of ms charging 399 for a full version...(and yes i know you can get an oem for like 130 which is still kick ass if u think about it)... and all the activation crap and the bloated ness and all yeah...ima stop whatever im doing yes asklepios...u are right and dont be sorry...its all gravy...take care man...peace



                  • #10
                    [edit by minibubba: we really do not need to know that]

