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Win 98

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  • Win 98

    Hi everyone

    Has anyone gotten an error message in Win 98 that suggests increasing the "Minsp" value in system.ini?

    I looked for Minsp and could not find it.

    My computer is pretty unstable right now when on the internet.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • #2
    The radical answer: Format and reinstall with all the windows updates. If windows was installed long ago and many programs have been installed/uninstalled, a complete format is the best... if you know how to do! If you do you can install WinXp instead, if you have a PIII 500 with at least 128 meg of ram (minimum), winXP will be able to run.
    Hope that help!
    : peace2:


    • #3
      MinSPs=Minimum Stack Pages
      these errors usually occur b'cos of a bad device driver. try looking for an update for any of your device drivers.
      till then try this
      Go to start-run, type sysedit without the quotation mark and OK to open the System Configuration Editor. Select the system.ini window.
      Go to the section and add the following line to the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file.


      Save the system.ini. Exit the System ConfigurationEditor and restart the computer.
      If the problem persists, increase the number of spare stack pages in increments of 4 (for example, 8, 12, 16). Each spare stack page requires 4 kilobytes of memory. There should never be an odd number. It should be in increments of "4" if i m right.

      P.S. Win98 by default handles MinSps by itself. so pls back up your stuff if something goes wrong accidentally.
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