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Windows help

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  • Windows help

    My first post,this is my problem i used a regcleaner program that i have'nt used before and ran the app with an auto fix which fixes registry errors with the click of one button,ah that was my second mistake,first was downloading it,a couple hours later i was going to load up a game with my cd rom drive and nothing happened when i poped in the cd.Went in to my computer and noticed both my cd rom drives are gone[lg burner and pioneer dvdrom].Went into device manager and unistalled them both rebooted and still no no cdrom drives.Went into bios and they are there so my guess is that regcleaner must have changed the cdrom configuration somehow.Man i have alot of mp3's and apps ill loose if i have to format,so i would really appreciate any help you guys can give me.Specs amd 2500barton,asus a7n8x deluxe,os winxp sp1.Thanks guys for any help.

  • #2
    does this particular cleaner make a backup of the registry keys it changes?

    if so, merge them back in
    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


    • #3
      If that doesn't help then un-install the IDE controller that they're on and reboot.


      • #4
        this has happened to me a few times.
        1)turn computer off
        2)disconect cables from cd-roms
        3)turn computer on
        4)turn computer off
        5)plug cd-roms back in
        6)all should be fixed

        hope this fix it for you


        • #5
          Originally posted by colmaca
          this has happened to me a few times.
          1)turn computer off
          2)disconect cables from cd-roms
          3)turn computer on
          4)turn computer off
          5)plug cd-roms back in
          6)all should be fixed

          hope this fix it for you
          Sorry m8 but just uninstallin' the IDE channel that they're on (thru the Device Manager and they should be on the secondary IDE channel and not the primary) and rebootin' is much easier than doin' that ya just described and it will achieve the exact same result only much faster.


          • #6
            First of all sell all those parts{I saw your parts list}.AND BUY "INTEL" AMD are good for one thing Door stops. :flames:


            • #7
              Thanks for responding to my post guys.Okay the third mistake i did lol was to delete the folder i guess i was a little upset when it happened,so thats out "opps".I will try the uninstall and unplugging the cable thnks ill let you no if that worked.Thanks again guys...dano


              • #8
                Originally posted by HaxoR
                [B]First of all sell all those parts{I saw your parts list}.AND BUY "INTEL" AMD are good for one thing Door stops. :flames:
                Be careful not to get the floor wet with all the Stupid you're oozing.


                • #9
                  Okay im back the unstalling of the ide cable did not work either,still not there,hum.Ill give it a couple of days and decide when to format i guess, my bad anyways.thanks for the help so far..p.s. my problem is my software nothing to do with my AMD proc if you think your intel is better great im not here to debate anything just askin for help,if this is typical of a lot of replies i can except i won"t be back,i don"t think thats the case.Thanks again guys....dano


                  • #10
                    Holy smokes dano I was just Kiddin. Geeze: party ha


                    • #11
                      No offence dude, but it did'nt sound like it. No problem its all good,ltr...dano


                      • #12
                        There is some small chance that Disk Investigator could recover the deleted folder with the backed up .reg keys.

                        worth a try anyhow, as it's free;
                        disk, forensics, search, investigate, forensic, drive, security, clean, recover, recovery
                        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HaXoR
                          Holy smokes dano I was just Kiddin. Geeze: party ha
                          go to our Overclocking and Cooling forums and kid around there. you will find more kids like you who like to start this AMD/Intel war. you will have a nice time. anyone starting this thing again in Windows forum will be recommended for a ban.
                          Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                          Last Updated:
                          10th MARCH

                          If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                          icq : 203189004
                          jabber : [email protected]
                          Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                          yabaa dabaa doo...
                          Customized for 1024x768


                          • #14
                            Im with Wiggo on this.
                            But also check that Sec. controller doesnt have any errors and such.
                            Oh and check the ribbon cable itself. Right amd_man2003? :D


                            • #15
                              Thanks again people,ill try that Disk Investigator thanks Mr.c...I will check drive sectors also thanks kane2g...asklepios thanks to.You guys have been great i much appreciate the help...dano

