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Outlook Express

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  • Outlook Express

    How does one save an Email from Outlook Express to a normal folder to be sent/saved on another computer?

    I am trying to back up some files & folders for a friend on CD so they can scrap the old system. I need to transfer the pics (done) documents (done) and Emails (notdone) to a CD. I have not used OutlookExpress in about 7 years, and dont remember how to do it. Any help is appreciated.

  • #2
    you can save individual emails by either clicking File -> Save As... or draging the emails to a seperate folder outside of OE


    • #3
      Thanks, I should have tried that 1st before making myself look like a Win Newbie, but I guess when it comes to OE I am a newbie!


      • #4
        lol, it's all good. It just shows you had enough sense to try something besides what M$ forces on you. Personally I use Thunderbird for my real email accounts, but I keep OE around to avoid going to the hotmail website (since hotmail isproprietary) when I'm in windows


        • #5
          well I personally dont Use it, but She wanted to get her 11 emails off of the thing, I am just trying to clear it all so I can install SEIT :D i should be able to get at least 1 wu a week outa this thing

