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Windows 2000 User Accounts

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  • Windows 2000 User Accounts

    I have just been given a new pc at work with windows 2000 pro OS on it. I have an administrator account for myself and another user, and have setup two Limited Accounts for another two users, (i know its not called a limited account but i cant remember what its called, iv never used 2000 before i have xp at home, and was previously using 98se), the problem i have is that when you log in as a limited account user it is possible to browse the administrator accounts folders by goin via the c drive,documents and settings,<user name>,my documents. Is it possible to restrict the access to the adminstrators accounts folders so that only ppl logged in as adminstrators have these rights??? If so how??

    Im probably just missed something stupid but i cant have the limited accounts users browsing the admins folders!!!

    cheers :cheers:

  • #2
    Originally posted by tranceboy
    Is it possible to restrict the access to the adminstrators accounts folders so that only ppl logged in as adminstrators have these rights???
    yup it is possible but you need to have NTFS as the file system.
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