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Windows Update and MSN e-mail problem

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  • Windows Update and MSN e-mail problem

    When I try to use Windows update, I get an error message with a (0x800A138F) error code. After attempting several solutions that were suggested by Microsoft for this particular error code (dumb solutions, MS refers to this particular error code as "generic"), it still gives the same message. In what may be a related error (since I noticed these both about the same time), I am completely unable to sign into my MSN e-mail account through IE. I can access my Inbox and all my messages through Outlook, but I cannot get to the MSN e-mail web page (which I actually prefer over Outlook for my MSN account which is why this is a problem). I noticed this after I had finished performing numerous registry and services tweaks, such as changing the hungapplicationtimeout value and turning off uneccesary services (through services.msc). I have automatic updates disabled, but that shouldn't be a problem. One possible cause could be that I was removing registry traces of uninstalled programs, but I don't think I touched anything Windows-related. Does anyone know of any service that should be turned on\off and\or some registry part that must exist or be set to a certain value in order for Windows Update and\or .NET\MSN e-mail to work correctly? By the way, I am using XP Proffesional with SP1.

  • #2
    I just made a discovery in relation to this problem. Actually, more of a realization. I can think of several other situations in which this same problem (whatever it may be) is in effect. Some programs can't connect to the internet properly. Heroes of Might and Magic 3, an somewhated aged game, will give me connection errors when I try to play online, be it through direct IP connection or through an online service. I have (not right now, I turn it off and on) a web sever running, complete with domain name and index.html. With most computers (works fine with computers on my network and the server itself), the web page can't be viewed and nothing can be downloaded at all. When I try to access my e-mail account through MSN messenger, it simply doesn't work. I recently downloaded the Seti@home program (and joined the TweakTown team, by the way). It can't connect from this computer (at the moment I have it on another computer but I can't keep it there) to the server at all. I can't even connect to this computer from network computers to download files, I have to be on this computer and upload them instead. Clearly there is something preventing exterior access to my compueter (software firewall is off, hardware firewalls haven't my other computers). The only inconsistency with this problem is that I could access web-based MSN email up until now, even while these other problems existed (in every other situation, the problem was in effect several weeks ago since I haven't windows updated in a while). So with all firewalls off (including XP's built-in one, that's one service I turned off entirely), I seem to have some sort of phantom firewall or something of the like. Does anyone have any idea what the hell the problem is?


    • #3
      i don't know how much this might help but this page explains lots of solutions towards this error which might be corelated with your other problems.
      it is a bit big but it might help you
      Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
      Last Updated:
      10th MARCH

      If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
      icq : 203189004
      jabber : [email protected]
      Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
      yabaa dabaa doo...
      Customized for 1024x768


      • #4
        Thank you very much! I read through the solutions and most of it wasn't new stuff for me and none of it seemed to help, when, finally, I got to step 14. I followed the instructions and both my e-mail and windows update work again. Although after completion of a driver update for my network card I got a "Page cannot be displayed" In the portion that shows you completed updates. I'm not really concerned though; my network card is clearly working. I am still unsure of of whether or not any of my other problems are fixed, however. The main thing I would like tested is my web server. I don't really own a domain name, however I have access to one as I registered it and am building the web site that goes with it as a job for a friend. At the moment I have my own, very incomplete web site in the server folder and my IP set as the domain name's IP (of course). I can type in the domain name on the computer with the server and on any computers on the network and it works properly, however it doesn't seem to work for any computers not on my LAN. If somebody could click here to see if the site works, I would appreciate it (I will keep the server up until someone says whether or not it works. You can even check out the site if your bored but it is very incomplete, as I said. I have my firewall disabled, although it is set to allow connections on port 80 (the server port) anyway. I have my router set to allow everything so it shouldn't be affecting any connections (plus the other computer goes through the router and is fine...). I am using a cat5 hub between the router and this computer but I can't see that as being a problem (a simple switch shouldn't have a built-in firewall, should it? Plus, most programs work fine with it). For the problems I have with other programs, such as Heroes 3 and Seti@home, I can't check until I talk to the friend I was going to play Heroes with and until my 2nd work unit is done on the other computer.


        • #5
          Seti@home now works (I guess I can run it simultaneously on both computers without messing around with any settings). I think the server and heroes 3 will work now, but to prevent future recurrences, does anyone have any insight as to the cause of this problem? I use a spyware program and an anitvirus program, but they have never caused any problems before. I don't think I changed anything related to this in the registry ever (the closest thing would be giving CMOS IRQ priority, which is almost totally unrelated), and I didn't have any problems similar to the ones that the link described as causes (at least not that I can remember). All I need other than that is someone to try the website. In any case, many thanks to asklepios for the link, as it seems to have fixed some if not all of my problems.:) :thumb:


          • #6
            Unable to find server from here :(
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • #7
              Too bad. I also noticed that I still can't access shared files on this computer from other computers (regardless of OS), but I can upload from this computer to them. This and the server are probably related problems. Could I have a certain service disabled that causes this problem? I have a lot of disabled services, although upload manager and server are enabled (and started). Any ideas as to why accessing files on this computer, even through a web server, is almost impossible?


              • #8
                Now the e-mail and update problem has started again (with the same problems). Seti@home still works fine, though. I have tried everything on the site and so far nothing. I checked the log file and found that the real error message (not the generic one) is 0x800C0005 (cannot find server or proxy). Anyone have any similar links as to how to fix this particular problem? What about the cause of the problem? The only programs that could be responsible are Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition and Cacheman. Of course I don't see why these would be the problem as I have used them for quite some time with no difficulties.


                • #9
                  What is the status of the XP firewall? Does your antivirus software have a firewall activated?


                  • #10
                    The firewall is off (in fact the service is disabled) and my antivirus program doesn't have a firewall with it (and I can turn the program off and I still have problems).


                    • #11
                      Forum discussion: My 2-node powerline network of WinXP Pro & WinXP home machines seems to work just fine. I can ping both ways. I can send print jobs to the host printer. I can access all websites I've tried from the client. I cannot use windows update. It gives t

                      ^ that one is another link which might help you.
                      i think you should give google a try. there are very few results related to your error but then you never know what you might find ;)
                      Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                      Last Updated:
                      10th MARCH

                      If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                      icq : 203189004
                      jabber : [email protected]
                      Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                      yabaa dabaa doo...
                      Customized for 1024x768


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the link. So far nothing has worked but I'll keep searching and I'll try some google searches. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. The problem seems to have gotten worse, or at least I noticed it's worse. I can't play Counter-Strike (a game) online. I can't sign in to a lot of sites (MSN, Fileplanet\Gamespy). It's definetely something wrong with XP in some way; no problems on other network computers and 98SE and RedHat Linux both work just fine (I can play the games and do other stuff on SE, but I'm usually in XP so this is a problem).


                        • #13
                          I had this prob recently but the only fix I came across was the format my C drive (only Windows and Office reside on that) and reinstall Windows.


                          • #14
                            did you check your HOSTS file entries? it seems to be a work of some crappy app that fiddled with the file and is now blocking your access to a few sites but i could be wrong :shrug:
                            Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                            Last Updated:
                            10th MARCH

                            If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                            icq : 203189004
                            jabber : [email protected]
                            Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                            yabaa dabaa doo...
                            Customized for 1024x768


                            • #15
                              I went thru everything that I and others could think of. IE worked perfectly but Trillian, MSN Messenger, Yahoo and all software updatin' just kept tellin' me that there was no internet connection but after 3 weeks of buggerizin' around I just bit the bullet and did the ultimate fix.

