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Windows XP SP2 ??

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  • Windows XP SP2 ??

    Just read this in the morning news. From the sounds of it, MS is addressing many issues with the upcoming release of SP2, but wow....

    If SP1 caused so many problems with folks systems, just imagin what version 2 can do?

    Tech Web XP SP2

  • #2
    that^ is enough to make me worry.
    I don't think I'll be installing sp2 right away. I'll let all the eager people test it for me for a month or 2 first ;)

    I'll say one thing though, if you use sp2 when it's released, you'd best go though everything and see what m$ thought would be best to change for you...


    • #3
      SP1 didn't cause problems for many people, it was a rumour that flew out of control. SP2 will simply update Windows for greater security. As always, if you use Windows Update to keep your Windows up to date, that will in effect be the same as installing all the SP2 components. In fact there have been several SP2 fixes already released on Windows Update and likely installed by 90% of Windows users without a hitch.
      My Machine


      • #4
        Originally posted by PersianImmortal
        SP1 didn't cause problems for many people, it was a rumour that flew out of control.
        I must agree on that one. I for one has never had any probs with it and neither have I heard of any probs from my many friends.


        • #5
          i think the main problem that came from SP1 was the fact that a lot of people couldn't install it.. ;)


          • #6
            Well ya know, I tend to agree with your basic premise but here is a quote from the article

            If folks install this they had better make darn sure they know what settings they had to begin with.

            Not that its bad, it's just gonna change some settings that you may not be aware of.


            • #7
              Originally posted by PersianImmortal
              SP1 didn't cause problems for many people, it was a rumour that flew out of control. SP2 will simply update Windows for greater security. As always, if you use Windows Update to keep your Windows up to date, that will in effect be the same as installing all the SP2 components. In fact there have been several SP2 fixes already released on Windows Update and likely installed by 90% of Windows users without a hitch.
              did ya read the article? M$ is planning on adding a lot more than the usually fixes to sp2, which is what I'm worried about. SP1 never gave me any problems, I'll agree with you on that one, but I'm thinking it might be a little different this time. I think that article refered to it as 'Windows XP 2.0' :?:

              *I see G Smith beat me too it :)


              • #8
                Originally posted by minibubba
                but I'm thinking it might be a little different this time.
                No need to worry people just yet. Let's just wait and see before we jump any conclusions. :)


                • #9
                  I see it as making people conscientious of what they are doing instread of just blinding trusting software upgrades/patches, no jumping to conclusions ;) :laugh:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by minibubba
                    I see it as making people conscientious of what they are doing instread of just blinding trusting software upgrades/patches, no jumping to conclusions ;) :laugh:
                    Daz is good bubbas, you have a kind soul looking out for us. You ought to be a preacherman..


                    • #11
                      Hence the reason for my posting the article originally. I just thought my friends at TT would rather be for-warned and for-armed.

                      Knowledge is power, that way you don't have to jump to any conclusions.....or into the muck.


                      • #12
                        I'm not saying we should blindly trust Microsoft and install SP2 without do the usual (backing up, checking settings etc.).

                        However the "unusual" updates in SP2 are said to be security features which go beyond simple patches - features which affect the stability and security of XP and so they can't be a bad thing.

                        If MS introduces any new spy components or anti-piracy measure we'll have to judge them on their merits, but quite honestly just as virtually everyone with WinXP now has SP1 on their system, eventually everyone will have to install SP2 to make games and apps run smoothly.

                        Not to mention that Longhorn has been delayed again and is not due till late 2005 at the earliest from what I hear - XP will have to be continually re-made by MS to stay current.
                        My Machine


                        • #13
                          there's big arguments happing in microsoft atm re what a service pack actually is, by definition its not supposed to include new software.

                          It looks like this might so thats a significant change in policy

                          The majority of the problems people had was pirate copies of XP, MS would check for pirate codes and then refuse to install

                          Anyone want to bet that they won't do it again:devil win


                          • #14
                            There are aspects of WinXP which need updating, and if that involves adding to and altering the feature set then so be it.

                            For example, it would be nice for full SATA support in WinXP SP2, just the same way SP1 added USB2.0 support.
                            My Machine


                            • #15
                              Well SP1 increased my boot time considerably, but bootvis sorted that problem. One thing I hate is having to remover MSN messenger all over again. But I am willing to forgive them for that. So far XP has been the best OS to come from microsoft IMHO.

