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Hyper Threading not working with XP pro

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  • Hyper Threading not working with XP pro

    Hi everyone,

    I just built my first computer about a month ago and was using some software to analyze my hardware when I discovered my hyperthreading function was disabled on windows xp pro.

    I am using a corprate version of xp my buddy gave me, and I changed the serial key and did all the updates. I went into my bios and made sure the HT was enabled and it was. I am really lost at this point.

    I am kinda of a new PC user (from Mac) so please go easy on the language.

    Thanks for your time...

    My system is:

    CPU-P4 2.4c
    RAM-corsair twinx512mb
    MB-MSI neo-2 865pe
    VGA-MSI 5600
    HD-Maxtor 120g SATA
    OS-XP Pro w/SP1


    I am using a corprate version of xp my buddy gave me, and I changed the serial key and did all the updates.
    Need I mention more? All 3 were taken care of. : omg: