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Windows XP and new mobo

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  • Windows XP and new mobo

    I know when I change mobos I am going to have to reinstall XP. Will the fresh install recognize all my already installed software? Will I have to reinstall all the software? Will I be able to/need to restore all my software from Backup Exec Desktop?:shrug:

    This is a fairly fresh install so I am not planning on formatting the drive.

  • #2
    if you have your softwares installed on a different drive then the one having the OS, then most of the programs will work but if they are on same drive then you will have to format and install, hence no softwares.
    i am saying that "most" of the programs will work as few programs like anti-virus and firewall depend lot on registry and you will have to install them again.
    i don't have any experience with Backup Exec Software, so i can't comment.
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    • #3
      As asklepios said, some programs depend on the registry. If it's a relatively new game, a firewall, an anti-virus program, it almost definetely won't work because XP will have a new registry with a new install. Otherwise, there is a good chance it will work. Suprisingly, programs like RegSupreme and Cacheman still work even though they are registry-dependant. You probably don't have worry about it. If it didn't come with any sort of installer package (using Install Shield, that is), then it will work with no problems. I don't know anything about Backup Exec Desktop, but it probably can't restore registry values that programs used before an OS reinstall, so don't count on it being that useful. Of course if you knew which specific values your programs use you could manually back them up, but that would be harder than reinstallation, in most cases.


      • #4
        So then I might as well format and reinstall everything for stability...


