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Installing hardware on Win2k problems

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  • Installing hardware on Win2k problems

    Im trying to connect a wireless network card to my laptop.
    I have bought a Binatone WL1000 network card and have installed the drivers and utility onto my Compaq laptop running win2k.
    All works well on the administrator account, but when I log on as a regular user it tells me the card is not present - even though it still appears in the device list and shows as working correctly.
    I have tried a USB nic and get a similar problem (tells me that the drivers dont exist) and again in the device list all is well.
    Im assuming that there is a config problem somewhere that I need to fix.
    Someone suggested that its something to do with group policies, but I have no idea what I need too change there.
    Has anyone any ideas?

  • #2
    The only thing I can really think of is reinstalling the card while running as the users. I haven't used Win 2000 much so I can't really suggest much more. My experience with most wireless cards is that they just suck, though. They either have some issues with Windows or they simply quit out after a year or so.


    • #3
      Try to uninstall drivers first then reinstall
      Do you have all windows critical updates
      Any updated drivers on card web site
      If that dont work while cards in do repair of windows


      • #4
        the best way I think is to change your OS. Because I once used windows 2k and have hardware problems also. Or maybe Dual boot OS:cheers:

