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Windows Update won't work

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  • Windows Update won't work

    Hmm... it just suddenly did this. I don't think I reloaded the registry or did System Restore or anything (could be wrong). Anyways, I go to Windows Update, click "scan for updates" and it goes 0%, 100%, then clicks to the error page. Bah. I went through their trouble shooting guide which is very vague and doesnt help. This is the error I got: 0x800A138F . No where does it mention this. Also, M$ tech support totally sucks (they want you to pay, wtf), and the "fill out an e-mail" form leads you in circles. I was stupid for trying, I should have come here first. Hope you guys can help, thx, : peace2: Mista K6

  • #2
    try a little clean-up? deleteing temp files, cookies and such...


    • #3
      I checked the Microsoft Support Forums for a fix. Go into your Internet Options > Languages, and make sure to add US English to the list. Problem solved.


      • #4
        Also try the tips I have here.
        My Machine


        • #5
          minibubba: I'm a clean freak, so I doubted that was it. I defrag, clean up, delete cookies, clear all temp folders, ad scan, and virus scan every weekend :p .

          SearanoX: Holy s*** you're right man :wow: . That fixed the problem immediately. I didn't know they had forums, I would've gone there instead of looking through that trouble-shooter for an hour and a half.

          PersianImmortal: I followed both Windows XP guides (love em, my system runs so nice now), I did all of the tweaks there too.

          Anyways, thanks all, and thanks for the quick repsonses. Problem solved :woot: . : peace2: Mista K6


          • #6
            Hmmm... under critical updates it selected Windows SP 1 (Express). But I already installed service pack 1, if not 1a (forget which). SHould I just go ahead, since I probably have all the files it needs, or should I be wary? Thx, : peace2: Mista K6

