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98SE vs ME vs XP

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Beefy
    It usually plays up when you've got more than 512MB, but 512MB is fine most of the time.

    Yawgmoth, you've got a totally valid point there. However, I'm gonna throw in the old 'stability' argument. Yes, I know that if you can get 98 running smoothly it does run very well, but not a lot of people have that kind of success. For the majority of 98 users, the occasional blue screen and crash will happen. XP is, to put it simply, a bit more 'idiot proof'. Also, truth be told, when I was dual-booting 98 and XP when I initially installed, I found the game speed difference was negligible. That's why I gave my comment earlier about RAM vs OS. I try not to get anyone to run XP with only 256MB RAM. Yeah, it does work, but doing anything intensive just drags the system down. 512MB or more, then I'll suggest XP everytime.
    Very good point there. For ppl who doesn't know their way around pc's XP is the 'safe' way.. :)

    I may be a lucky man but I never ever had any instability with the 98se os what so ever. Then again for power use I've only had the the Intel 815 or the newer Amd chipsets, like the NForce.. (have used Via for P3 though)

    I have not used mutch older platforms for anything other than routers/firewalls/servers etc.


    • #17
      Originally posted by pbatacan
      ok. Maybe I'll upgrade to Xp. All my hardware are modern except for my videocard which is a Geforce2 MX 400 but you think this card can still do much for me? By the way. Its overclocked @ 250/200. Pretty low Mhz compared to newer cards. hehehe.
      not really. dont get me wrong, the old GeForce2 MX's were great. i had a GF2MX @ 200/200: ran Counter-Strike, Diablo II etc great. but these days they just dont have the same kick as they used to.


      • #18
        Hmm.... One thing we haven't talked about at all is price. Do you even own XP as it is? If you don't I really can't see upgrading as a choice at all. XP isn't worth the money (I think it's $300 retail for Pro, although an upgrade disc is probably a bit cheaper) if your main use is gaming. I agree that it's worth it if you have over 512 MB of RAM or just can't manage to stabalize 98 to asatisfactory point, but spending money for worse gaming performance just doesn't make sense. And avoiding payment by doing something bad doesn't make much sense either. So unless you have very new harware or > 512 MB of RAM, upgrading to XP from 98 just wouldn't be a good option.


        • #19
          err, maybe I'll stick with Windows 98SE because yeah, Windows Xp is expensive right? 98SE's performance is still good.


          • #20
            If ya got 512 Ram
            NO BRAINER IT'S XP
            LESS WIN 2000
            LOOK HERE!

            HERE TOO!

            As far as price I've seen XP pro & 2000 pro full version both under $140.00
            XP home fullversion $80.00 : online and at pc shows
            Way more stable than 98 /98 lossing support from microsoft
            absolutly worth the cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            you can even play dos games which they dont even make anymore, with a few fixes
            Every thing is or will be geared to modern day OS


            Shop around lot's great deals on modern PC'S


            • #21
              your video card probably hold you back before any OS



              • #22
                hey snow, I don't have an old pc instead an old OS. I once used Windows 2000 pro but I'm a little bit disappointed cause some games won't run under it!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by snowpro
                  If ya got 512 Ram
                  NO BRAINER IT'S XP
                  LESS WIN 2000
                  LOOK HERE!

                  HERE TOO!

                  As far as price I've seen XP pro & 2000 pro full version both under 0.00
                  XP home fullversion .00 : online and at pc shows
                  Way more stable than 98 /98 lossing support from microsoft
                  absolutly worth the cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  you can even play dos games which they dont even make anymore, with a few fixes
                  Every thing is or will be geared to modern day OS


                  Shop around lot's great deals on modern PC'S
                  For some people, even $80 is a lot. And as I said, some DOS games just don't work. Buying a new computer is rarely a good option. Hell, based on what little I know already about your system, you're good for a while unless your expecting something like Half-Life 2 or Deus Ex: IW (in other words, high-end first-person shooters) to work smoothly you should be good.
                  The first link is almost totaly irrelevant. Only a select few of the things mentioned matter at all (i.e. System Restore. IMO, System Restore is dumb and rarely useful)
                  Second link seems to not be working properly anymore. Although $80 isn't a terrible deal on XP Home, if your going to pay for XP get Pro, the extra stuff is worth it.
                  Don't use your computer as an anchor, it's not heavy enough to hold anything bigger than a canoe. Plus it's good enough that I would friggin buy it from you rather than see it trashed.


                  • #24
                    Calm down!
                    Nothing personal
                    Guess! I got a bad sense of Hummer
                    I even have old pc, it's not a boat anchor,but it makes great base for one of my other pc's

                    I understand the value of a dollar

                    I'm not a gamer either my kids are, built them nice system, but anyway!!! I'M SORRY TO OFFEND!

                    maybe missed key on the second link

                    Links dont refer to gaming persay just showing differences and show what 98 does not have.
                    As far as system restore can disable but there is lots of value to it especialy if you have different people plinkin around your pc
                    I personally prefer 2000 pro

                    Here's one of my favorite games: Hope You Don't Like Cats! Don"t Want to offend anyone

                    Can't wait for the new one

                    Not able to play some games on 2000 pro there probably is answer to problem, POST IT, probably not the OS there!

                    Happy New Year!

                    P.S. Yawgmoth I would'nt sell you a pc anyway Cause Guess What I Dont Sell Em ! ( it's just a hobby)

                    :laugh: :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


                    • #25
                      hey snow. I'm not offended! im just ok!!!!!!!sorrry because I put an exclamation mark! lol! its ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #26
                        I didn't mean to seem offended. I knew you were joking. On second though, I very offended. I'm uhh, umm, a computer rights activist (Yeah, that the ticket!). Your use of personal computers as boat anchors will come to an end! :snip: I will lobby Congress until the constitution is amended to give computers more civil rights.
                        :group: : peace: :blah:
                        Anyway, my point was that buying a new OS just doesn't make sense this time, even if it's incredibly cheap. As for System Restore, I hate it so much that I don't won't to take the thirty seconds to turn it off. It often causes problems rather than fixing them. I prefer a good old reformat if stuff goes really bad. Anyway, I really didn't mean to seem offended, just having myself a friendly debate.:cheers:

