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YA! I fixed my comp, but, things r laggin'

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  • YA! I fixed my comp, but, things r laggin'

    OKay, i reinstalled windows xp, i was able to fix my problem. My comp's internet and files work fine, and i was able to keep all of my other files on my other hdd. But, now i've noticed that any type of scrolling, whether it be on word processing or internet, is very glitchy and slow. When i scroll down or up, it's not a smooth transition. It's almost as if i have a memory problem, but i dont have any programs open, just internet explorer or the word processor, and it scrolls slow and glitchy. But before, when my comp was fine and b4 i did the reinstall, i was able to have multiple tasks running and be able to have smooth scrolling. What could be the problem?

    BTW, I'd like to thank everyone that guided me through my lil computer hiccup. I am very thankful and your advice was very helpful... Just wish i could get through this lil trouble as well. :o

  • #2
    Did you follow my instructions in the PM or figure out how to do it from the XP CD or what(just curious:) )? Anyway, are you sure you have current drivers for everything (get them from your manufacturer's web site or, if that's not applicaple (i.e. you built your own comp), from the sites of your hardware manufacturer. Video card and motherboard drivers are going to be pretty important. XP just doesn't have good driver support for some hardware (thank God [or Linus] for Linux). That seems to be a big problem for me whenever I reformat. Drivers aren't good and it somehow causes a big slowdown. Of course large amounts of spyware could cause a slowdown, but it would take hundreds of German cracker web pages to get that much spyware after a fresh install. But spyware is still a possible culprit for your slowdown so get Ad-Aware if you don't already have it. It's free and probably the best anti-spyware program out there. You could also try PersianImmortal's XP tweak guides. Those should help a lot, although simple things such as unnecessary services probably aren't your only problem, but it is very, very helpful even if your XP isn't that slow. Also if you purchased your computer from a large company (Gateway, Hewlet-Packard, Dell, etc.) and reinstalled any software that came with it, that could be a problem. I have noticed from my dealings with such systems that they install a whole load of crap software, much of which runs at startup or has spyware. Which reminds me, check msconfig (start, run, msconfig, click the startup tab). You probably don't need anything there so you should uncheck just about everything. Although I have noticed on a few HP systems "hpsysdrv.exe" or some similar name that seems neccesary, so don't uncheck any of those. But otherwise if it's anything vital it will probably just startup even if you tell it not to. If you're really not following me here just do what I said and go start, run, type msconfig, click ok, click the startup tab, and post all of the entries that are checked, and I'll tell you what to get rid of. You could also try stuff like scandisc and defrag, although unless you did something wierd those probably won't do much after a fresh install. Viruses are always a possibilty, but yet another rare one after a fresh install. Well I'm out of ideas, for now,(it's 3:24 and January 1st, give me a break) so I'll leave you with that. Good luck and Godpspeed (a little overdramatic?:D )


    • #3
      fixed it... you were right about the drivers. I had to update my video card driver from the website and everything is finally back to normal. Thanx much. :thumb:


      • #4
        No problem. But how did you end up formatting your hard drive? Did you do what the message I sent said, did you use the XP CD? I'm just curious.


        • #5
          When I re-installed XP, the same thing happened. It stopped tho. I dont remember exactly what I did, did you check your video settings and refresh rates? Also, jsut update everything, drivers, Windows Update, etc etc, should fix it. : peace2: Mista K6

