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CTASIO.DLL is hijacking spyware?

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  • CTASIO.DLL is hijacking spyware?

    I was just tweaking my system, and notice this DLL in the startup. I looked it up on google and found many sites that said "hijacking" so can anyone tell me what it is, the CTASIO.DLL that is?

    Also i didnt know if this goes under windows or applications, so sorry in advance if wrong forum. :cheers:
    CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
    Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
    RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
    GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
    PSU: Thermaltake 500w
    SC: Audigy 2 zs
    LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
    Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
    Mouse: Logitech G5

  • #2
    I'm not particularly familiar with "CTASIO.DLL " (and I got the same crappy google response), but I would almost bet you don't need it at startup. Run a spyware program such as Adaware and an antivirus program.


    • #3

      The 7th Entry;
      "(Audio Stream In/Out) drivers for the SoundBlaster Audigy 2 series soundcards"..............

      Yawgm0th has a fine suggestion - but leave that .dll file alone for now :)
      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


      • #4
        Oh thank you, i already did run adware. Thanks mr.c....but i already removed it doh. : omg:
        CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
        Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
        RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
        GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
        PSU: Thermaltake 500w
        SC: Audigy 2 zs
        LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
        Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
        Mouse: Logitech G5


        • #5
          What do you mean "remove"?
          Did you uncheck the entry in msconfig or actually delete the file?
          Or did you actually delete the registry entry?


          • #6
            I think for playback of sound, this .dll is not required?

            Only needed for line-in, microphone, etc. etc.
            so, unless you require those functions you should be OK I think.

            Just reinstall the Audigy drivers, if you wish to reclaim the functionality.
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • #7
              I removed the regedit entry and also unchecked it. Nothing seemed wrong, but my sound went away after playing a couple of songs..reinstalled the drivers. Thanks for info. :cheers:
              CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
              Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
              RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
              GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
              PSU: Thermaltake 500w
              SC: Audigy 2 zs
              LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
              Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
              Mouse: Logitech G5


              • #8
                Originally posted by AsianBatman
                my sound went away after playing a couple of songs..
                Now that's weird..

