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Windows XP 64-bit

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  • Windows XP 64-bit

    Windows XP 64-bit download

    If you have a 64-bit ready PC, you now have the option to receive trial software for Windows XP 64-Bit Edition for 64-Bit Extended Systems via CD or download. Read below about the different options for obtaining the pre-release software, and then use the links on the right to register to order the CD Kit or download product files. Please note that in either case, the pre-release software is time-limited and will expire in 360 days.

    More information and download


  • #2
    Windows XP 64-Bit preview
    First look at Athlon 64 performance

    In case you missed the news, Microsoft has just released a public preview of XP 64-bit. Microsoft officially calls the new Operating System the "Windows XP 64-Bit Edition for 64-Bit Extended Systems". The Customer Preview can be downloaded for free or ordered on CD for a fee at the 64-bit Edition website. The CDs will not ship until mid-February, but the free 420MB download version is available NOW. We couldn't wait to download the preview of the new OS and run an Athlon 64 through some benchmarks.

    Read the preview


