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Windows Explorer / Winlogon.exe crash

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  • #16
    Well, it just started again. :( Nothing has changed on my system, and I wasn't doing anything I don't normally do... I think I'll give up.


    • #17
      sorry to hear that :(

      I'm about to throw in the towel recently, WMP has become too much hassle. It may be time for a compete change of OS - at least that's the way I'm feeling of late.
      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


      • #18
        It's just been a dodgy day all round. Had a HDD in an external case for transfering data around. Stopped working. I didn't know what drive was in it, so I opened it up and had a look. Was a Deathstar. :( If I had of known earlier I coulda patched it / not relied on it. Then there's another PC that would randomly reboot. I replaced it with another, and it does the same. Changed power / kb / mouse / screen / cables.. still reboots. Got me stumped.


        • #19
          A doggone shame, for sure knowing about the drive would have saved some headache.

          Two in a row seems odd, have you looked at the power source? Could be a surge there.
          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


          • #20
            Oh, I forgot to mention I changed the power point the PC was on, which is on a whole different circuit. Plus there's a couple other PCs on the same line, and they seem fine. The last thing I can think of is it's the user or user login account. but I cbf thinking about it anymore..

