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NTFS, FAT 32, Partitioning, Raid 0, duel boot, XP, XP 64 and

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  • #31
    Ok now you've confused me even more now lol Sorry.

    I was under the impression I partitioned my drives while I was installing Windows, so there is a way to partition before I have even started installing?

    Sorry you have all proberly told me a million times, I just don't want to wreck my sytem.


    • #32
      sorry, i probably should have just left that last part out.

      For simplicity, when you begin to install windows the first time do all your partitioning then so you don't have to rearrange drive letters later. The only one you need to format at this time is your first partiton (C:\ ) you can format the other partitions once you have the first XP installed :)


      • #33
        Originally posted by Marlowe1899
        ok so I can have:

        C: 50 gig Win XP 32 - NTFS
        D: 50 gig Win XP 64 - NTFS
        E: 30 gig Fat 32 - Empty
        F: 30 gig NTFS - Empty

        G: 80 gig NTFS - Empty
        H: 80 gig NTFS - Empty

        I'm not sure why I need the Fat32 partition, I'm just going on what has been mentioned in this thread, but will this work ok.

        Empty just means places I will use later e.g Games e.t.c
        You're definitely on the right track now, but personally I'd try get rid of a few partitions there. If you have too many, then it starts to get a little confusing. I have a hard enough time keeping track of 4 partitions. I'd probably get rid of the FAT32 drive as well. Unless you're going to tinker with 98 or something, then you don't really need it.


        • #34
          C: 50 gig Win XP 32 - NTFS
          D: 50 gig Win XP 64 - NTFS
          E: 60 gig NTFS - Empty

          F: 80 gig NTFS - Empty
          G: 80 gig NTFS - Empty

          Is that better, I know it's not a huge difference, but I want to split the "second" drive and obviously have a partition each for the 2 O/S. Would it be better to gave C/D 80 gig each with the O/S on? or leave it as it is, it seems a waste of space to have an O/S on 80 gig.



          • #35
            Well, it all depends on how you want to do things. :) Some people install their applications on their OS partition, others install them on a different partition.


            • #36
              Right I have just attempted to do it and I see what you mean it does seem fairly straight forward, I come to the screen after accepting the agreement and am presented with a screen that says select a place to install and press enter to install, C to create partition and it tells me to use the up and down arrows to select where I want to put it. As soon as I touch an arrow though it freezes (nothing highlights) and I get a page that say:


              Then some stuff to try like disabling bios memory options like caching and shadowing or removing software recently added or starting in help mode.

              There was also some Tech Info at the bottom, lots of 0x00000 type stuff, I can write it all here if that helps.

              Any idea's?

              Is it actually possible to format like I did with 98, get to a dos prompt and type Format c: then load up from the CD?

              Thanks Guys

              Btw at the select screen I have 4 drives that are unreadable, these are actually presented in my computer as F: G: H: I:
              What they are is a card reader for MS/MS PRO, CF/MD, SD/MMC and xD/SM. Would these have any complications?

              Actually I just tried again and there is no Format option, just install XP or create partition.


              • #37
                Try removing the card reader and see what happens. There is a format option later, but first you need a partition to format. :) You did set up the driver for the SATA RAID at the start, yes?


                • #38
                  No I didn't, I saw the option flash up, but I thought I had to format the entire HDD first then start installing Raid and Windows.


                  • #39
                    Nope. That's the first thing you do. If you don't install the driver then, the Windows install doesn't know that the drive exists, so you can't partition or format something that it can't find...


                    • #40
                      All Done thanks guys, I do have 1 problem though, I cant Activate Windows. My original code won't get accepted so I tried to do it online and I get told my Windows Product key has exceeded the amount of times it can be used. I still have 30 days though, so I'll phone them tommorow, but it's strange, the key has only been used once to previously install XP, so strange one to me.

                      Anyway once again thanks everyone for the help.


                      • #41
                        it's probably an OEM copy, but it's no big deal, just give M$ a call and they'll get you sorted out

                        glad it's all worked out for you so far :thumb:


                        • #42
                          I bet your all sick of hearing from me, but I have some more problems.

                          First I cannot install Windows 64 because I cannot load the Raid controller anymore. When I boot with XP 64 and I have to press F6 to load the controller it says that it is corrupt, so naturally I re copied them and tried again, still says they are corrupted, so I'm guessing I need 64 bit drivers? If so does anyone know where I can get them?

                          Also is there a way to make the o/s chooser on boot up last longer than a fraction of a second? I literally blink and I miss it?

                          Many Thanks


                          • #43
                            Ok I've sussed it, all working, just one last thing, is there anyway to rename the O/S's at boot, both options say Windows XP Professional, theres no distinguishing between the 32 bit and 64 bit one.



                            • #44
                              you need to edit the boot.ini file

                              it's in your c:\ drive, but you need to go to file options and show hidden files and display system files first so you can see it.

                              you can open and edit boot.ini with notepad



                              • #45
                                Excellent Thanks

