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XP PRO Welcome screen

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  • XP PRO Welcome screen

    i had no problem whein i installed kazaa Lite yesterday and everythingwas fine until i clicked on these links on kazaa web. then the when i browsed links to download a film or mp3, i suddenly found click yes to trust or something and i can remember what it was.. i sudenly found that this casino software was installed auto on my machine and links on my desktop, when i deleted and uninstalled from my add remove rebooteed computer, computer was slower than usual. now when i restart or boot windows at the Welcome Screen it usually boots straight into windows cleanly and quickly - now it takes forever. what could it be? I dont know what should or shoudn't be running in task manager. but i tried homecalle from trend micro online antivirus, and it found no viruses. kazaa lite is uninstalled now, and once computer does finally get into windows its fine. but WHY DOES IT TAKE A LONG TIME AT THE WELCOME SCREEN. i don't want this to be happening

  • #2
    This is why you always watch what you install. Download and run AdAware6 and AVG AntiVirus

    EDIT: Also, go to Start-Run and type msconfig, click the startup tab and disable all unneccesary programs there, as they start alongside Windows and slow Bootup times


    • #3
      could something now be resident in registry which is causing windows to take forever. i did notice that in connections some wan or something dial up in its preferences appeared but i deleted the connection. Thanks AMDMAN


      • #4
        My computer now booted straight into windows with a few pauses but now i get this message from windows


        Runtime error!

        Program: C: Program files\Common files\update\updmgr.exe


        and when i try to uninstall an older version of kazaa media desktop version 2.6

        InstallSheild (R) Setup Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

        if you were in the middle of something, the information that you were working on might be lost.

        So now that won't uninstall. what do i do now?????
        i dont have a clue, this is worrying


        • #5
          did you actually clicked the links amd_man2003 gave you?
          you seem to have been hit by some spyware and you need to clean it which can be done by AdAware.
          Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
          Last Updated:
          10th MARCH

          If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
          icq : 203189004
          jabber : [email protected]
          Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
          yabaa dabaa doo...
          Customized for 1024x768


          • #6
            It's also possible something was disabled in msconfig. If you have Kazaa already installed, that's probably why you can't install another version.

            Follow the links if you didn't. Another thing you can do that might fix the problem is to check downloaded program files (C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files). You don't really need anything in there, and anything you uninstall can most likey be reinstalled.

            To clean your registry, although its probably not causing the slowdown entirely, get regcleaner.
            To have it automatically clean your registry, click tools, registry cleanup, do them all. Between cleaning your registry, scanning for viruses and spyware, using msconfig, and unistalling downloaded programs, you will probably get the problem fixed.

