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Windows text problem with Win2k

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  • Windows text problem with Win2k

    Hello all,

    My problem is that my text in menus and loading boxes has become huge and bold. Such as in the AIM preferences menu, my text is huge and out of control. I thought I could have it fixed by altering the windows appearence scheme but that has done nothing to the text in my situation. Does anyone know how to deal with windows text not accessible through desktop properties and fix this damn annoyance?

    Thanx in advance,

  • #2
    I'm not sure I understand your probelm completely. However, you can try going to Display in Control Panel. From there, click the Appearance tab. Unless 2000 is much different from XP, you should be able to change font sizes there. You should also be able to click Advanced and change Windows sizes and such. It's also possible that your DPI setting is screwed up. Go to the Setting tab and click Advanced. From there, you should be able to change your DPI setting to something smaller, which should fix your problem. It's also possible you just have your resolution too low (if that's not something you tried). That will also be under Settings. Again, I'm working off XP here and I haven't had much experience with 2000, so I could be wrong.


    • #3
      I know with Windows XP, that you cant hold control on the keyboard and scroll up and down with mouse wheel and it changes font size.


      • #4
        I believe those advance settings are only in xp. Win2ks desktop properties are more like Win98. Does anyone know how to change default text in windows through the registry perhaps, what keys and values I could change? I know this problem sounds weird, it is. Ill post a pic to show you what it looks like.

