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Computer randomly shutsdown when doing something

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  • Computer randomly shutsdown when doing something

    Hello, I am having some trouble with my computer again.

    For about a month, when I, for example, play Gens for say 30 min, my computer just shuts down, like I hit the on/off button, just turns off.

    I have no idea why it does this, and it is very annoying.

    My computer specs:

    Windows XP Home
    40GB Harddrive
    ATI Radeon graphics card
    512MB RAM

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Firstly, I wouldn't call those system specs. I see no mention of a motherboard chipset or processor. Or of the kind of RAM you have...
    Download CPU-Z from if you need help learning what those things are.

    Secondly, go to Control Panel/System. go to the Advanced tab and click Startup and Recovery. Under System Failure, untick the box that says "automatically restart." Next time this happens, pay attention to any error messages that pop up, if any.

    Did you do anything around the time this started happening? Anything...
    Install something, reinstall the operating system, visit a web page devoted either to pornography, software pirating, or both?

    It's also possible that there's simply a problem with your power supply unit. Do you know the wattage of your PSU?


    • #3
      Yes, well, here are my system specs, created CPU-Z:


      • #4
        Well, that's one of three things I asked for...


        • #5
          What model Toshiba PC do you have and is it a desktop or notebook?
          Also do you run an updated AV and have you run Ad-Aware 6?
          Is Windows fully updated?
          Have you checked the event viewer for any critical errors that maybe logged in it?
          Also try running the memory at 1:1 instead of 3:4 plus try setting the CAS timing to 2.5 or 3 instead of 2.


          • #6
            what PSU (Power Supply Unit) do you have and what ATI graphics card is that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by wayout44
              What model Toshiba PC do you have and is it a desktop or notebook?
              Also do you run an updated AV and have you run Ad-Aware 6?
              Is Windows fully updated?
              Have you checked the event viewer for any critical errors that maybe logged in it?
              Also try running the memory at 1:1 instead of 3:4 plus try setting the CAS timing to 2.5 or 3 instead of 2.
              1. Toshiba Satellite 1905 Series
              2. Yes, Yes
              3. Yes
              4. No, I should check.
              5. No idea how to do that.

              what PSU (Power Supply Unit) do you have and what ATI graphics card is that.
              1. Not sure
              2. ATI MOLIBITY M6

              I should also mention that is just powers off.

