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Boot Problem

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  • Boot Problem

    Ok I have a problem I am buying a new computer(halfway there :D ) and I can't get my computer to boot up into Windows. :( Maybe because it detects my hard drive as slave. I also get an error if try to boot it up. Anyways I have the follwing parts:
    60GB Hard drive(WD caviar drive came from my previous comp)
    WinXP home
    P4 1.8Ghz

    So why can't I get it to work?

  • #2
    Do you have any ram?


    • #3
      Argh... You really need to provide more information...

      Do you actually have a Windows CD that you have installed, or are you trying to take a hard drive with an old Windows install an put it in a new computer?
      You can't put an old Windows install on a new computer. You'll have to reinstall (and reformatting would be best, too).

      However, if it is detecting the drive as a slave, that is likely to be your problem. You probably have it on the wrong setting on the back (slave instead of master), or on the wrong IDE cable. IOf you have a single CD drive and single hard drive, make sure they are on seperate IDE channels and plugged into the master cable (just try all the cables if you can't figure it out).


      • #4
        Oops forgot the RAM its PC2100 128 and 256. I did take the Hard drive and put in. I have the Windows CD but I haven't used it yet. Yes I have 1 CD drive and 1 Hard drive. I tried to switch the cables around for the CD drive and Hard Drive and that didin't work. Do I have to use Just 1 cable for both? Thanks for the fast response


        • #5
          You should have two IDE channels on your motherboard. With two drives, you should have two cords coming froming your motherboard, each from a different IDE channel (you should be able to tell each channel fomr the other). Make sure each drive is set as master on the back.

          If you haven't used you CD, what exactly are you booting into? You can't boot into anyting on your hard drive...


          • #6
            Ok just switched the cables around it had 2 connectors must have been using the slave one, got to detect it as a master. Thanks for all the help

