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Windows XP Pro Install Problems.

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  • Windows XP Pro Install Problems.

    This newer (created in the past 4 months) PC had ME on it. I went and reformated... and tried to install XP Pro from scratch, and during the "coping setup files" i recieve errors. first is the Shell32.dll, then another then another then another... it's not "coping correctly".

    I thought it could have been the disk, so I tried another XP Pro CD and still the same problem.

    I then thought it was the CD-Rom drive.... switched, and still the same problem.

    I installed 98, 98SE, ME, 2002 with no problems at all.

    I even tried switching from Fat32 toNTFS, and STILL the same problem.

    Anyone have any idea what the pronblem could be?

    Thanks all!

  • #2
    Try replacing the memory, we have found that xp displays these types of problems when there is a memory issue.
    Good luck.


    • #3
      Also, make sure your using an 80 wire/conductor IDE cable.


      • #4
        it wouldnt e a problem with the BIOS or anything? because all other OS's install and run perfectly fine.


        • #5
          It's almost definitely a problem with the RAM, the IDE cable, or the IDE controller.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Yawgm0th
            It's almost definitely a problem with the RAM, the IDE cable, or the IDE controller.
            Or, though not very possible, the hard drive.

            I had this exact problem and it was because I was only using a 40-wire IDE cable (the wires look fatter than an 80wire) so I'd really recommend you replace ya IDE cable and see where that gets you. (And thats the cheapest thing to check anyway)


            • #7
              ok, i changed the IDE cable (80) with another one... still the same problem.

              I also updated the BIOS of the motherboard... still the same problem.

              I also changed the IDE cable to the other IDE slot, still the same problem.



              • #8
                You can try memtest86 from There are other programs for testing your memory that may be better, but maybe someone else can help you out with that.


                • #9
                  well i just swtiched the memory with a new stick... .still the same problem.

                  other suggestions?

                  i cant see it being a problem with the hard drive, scandisk dosent show any problems nor have i had any other problems at all.



                  • #10
                    I guess it could be that both of the XP CDs are bad, but I doubt it. If you have access to any others, try to get them.

                    Beyond that, I'm pretty much out of ideas.


                    • #11
                      i thought it was the CD as well... however I used these CD multiple times on many other PC's.

                      this is more frustrating then usuall :?


                      • #12
                        No kidding.... Does the install simply fail, or will it work if you start skipping files. I've had XP Pro installations fail on a couple files and work without any problems.


                        • #13
                          it asks if i want to retry the install of the file, i hit enter a few times and it will go thru... then a few seconds later another file appears... same thing... after a few tries some will contine... but then they wont install... so i start skipping file after file... and then nothing, XP cannot continue install. :roll:


                          • #14
                            dammit, i take the Zip drive out and the Shell32.dll file installs!
                            but now it has problems copying other files.

                            there is'nt any other hardware that I can take out... thoughts?


                            • #15
                              Your IDE channel could be fried....

