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Windows XP Pro Install Problems.

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  • #16
    If you can install other oss, I doubt that it is a problem with ide components. I too have seen this happen with ram problems. Look in your bios and see if there is a "failsafe default" setting. If there is, select it and save, then try again. This is a collection of low performance settings that may allow any faulty hardware to operate below the threshhold of performance that generates errors. While not a cure for the problem, a workaround might be to reformat the drive to fat32, use a 98 boot disk with xcopy32.exe on it to copy the entire contents of the cd to the hd. Make a directory called xpcd or some such to copy it to. You can then boot from the fd (boot disk set for xp available at and install from the hd. I would guess though that if it is not ram related, one of the initial drivers that xp loads doesn't get along with some piece of hardware.


    • #17
      I had the same problem. It was a tiny scratch on the cd. I made a backup copy of my XP pro cd and used it and it worked fine. Oh and by the way at the time I used a IDE 40 cable. but now use IDE 100, so its should be nothing to do with the harddrive whatsoever.


      • #18
        yes i tried 2 diffrent 100 cable... still the same thing.
        also tried 3 diffrent XP Pro CD's i got from diffrent people... still the same problem.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Integraoligist
          yes i tried 2 diffrent 100 cable... still the same thing.
          also tried 3 diffrent XP Pro CD's i got from diffrent people... still the same problem.
          Hey Integraoligist

          I'm new to this forum, and I have the same exact Problem with XP Pro install. Did you correct your problem? Question what motherboard are
          you using? and ide, sata or raid install? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




          • #20
            Originally posted by SportsFans
            Originally posted by Integraoligist
            yes i tried 2 diffrent 100 cable... still the same thing.
            also tried 3 diffrent XP Pro CD's i got from diffrent people... still the same problem.
            Hey Integraoligist

            I'm new to this forum, and I have the same exact Problem with XP Pro install. Did you correct your problem? Question what motherboard are
            you using? and ide, sata or raid install? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



            PS. here's Memtest86 link:

            Ok it was my DDR Ram, 1 of the 2 stick failed badly after test with memetest86. After much research these unsuccessful XP Install
            ("could not copy files") are symtoms of bad Ram. Now home waiting for
            my new Ram to arrive.

            will update,



            • #21
              I figured that would cause problems with the other OSes, too, but maybe not... :shrug:


              • #22
                Originally posted by SportsFans
                PS. here's Memtest86 link:
                I would highly recommend the new updated version, memtest86+ at
                the old memtest86 hasn't been updated in 2 years


                • #23
                  Yes most definately use Memtest86+ instead of the original.


                  • #24
                    Hey thanks 01001101 for the heads up on memtest86+. I recieved my replacement Ram (Corsair TWINX1024-3200XLPT 1GB) after returning the bad sticks. So I installed them, tested them, and passed with flying colors. I immediately attempted to Install XP Pro, which went flawlessly, so it was definitely bad Ram that prevented me from install my OS.
                    Much thanks to all the poster to this thread. <S>



                    • #25
                      Oh ya, sorry

                      Much thanks Yawgm0th!!!!



                      • #26
                        Re: Windows XP Pro Install Problems.

                        Ok, forgive me I just subscribed and cannot determine how to post an issue for a reply, so I am starting here as I have Win XP Pro CLEAN Install issues;

                        When I boot from the (upgrade) XP Pro Cd, the program will begin to run and install all the temp drivers, etc... until it comes to the point where it shows (in the bottom line of the monitor window) "Setup is installing Windows". It hangs from here with no further action.

                        What do I do?

                        Note: The drive is an ATA Series 160GB Maxtor. No partitions exist on the HD. I have selected YES to enabling large drive support when prompted on the beginning of the install.

                        HELLLLLP! and sorry if I am stepping on any toes within this particular thread. ...I also need to know how to create on of my own here in this forum...


                        • #27
                          Re: Windows XP Pro Install Problems.

                          From the main forum page,, scrolll through the diffrent forums and pick the most relevant one for the topic you intend to post about. In the upper left of the forum, you will find a "New Thread" button. Click it and post your problem.

                          I can't remember the exact URL, so go to Maxtor's web site ( and look around for a drive diagnostic utility run from outide Windows (ie from a Maxtor boot disk or from a DOS disk) and run it on that computer.

                          That might be a waste of time, though, as you might just have the drive set up wrong. It it is the only hard drive that system currently has, make sure it is on its own IDE cable and set to Master, both on the cable and on the jumper in the back. If that doesn't work, try setting it to Cable Select (or just CS) on the jumper on the back. If that's not the problem, then try the diagnostic utility.

