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New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

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  • New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

    I finally got the MSI K7T266 Pro2 MB installed but when trying to install XP or W2K for that fact, it stalls on setup, tried numerous different disks and once it installs the initial files and you get the screen that says push enter to continue to install so you can get the next screen of selecting which drive you want it on it stalls.

    What's in there now is

    MSI K7T266 Pro2 (new)
    DDR PC2100 - 1gb (512 x 2) (taken from a working pc)
    Rage Pro vid (new - had a few extra laying around)
    3COM 10/100 LAN (taken from working pc)
    PSU 400 watts (new)
    40gb/20gb drives

    dunno if its related but I'm still getting the MB to only show 512 of ram and I've messed around with the voltage on it in the bios but it still shows 512

    My friend thinks the CPU is going as it is almost 4 yrs old, its an AMD 1.3

    that possible? Anything else I'm missing or could try?

  • #2
    Re: New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

    That CPU is so slow I wouldn't go with XP on that computer anyway, but...

    It could be the CPU, although even four years of constant use at stock speeds would probably leave it running okay. It could be your RAM. Try using the RAM in a different computer and get Memtest86+ from my signature.


    • #3
      Re: New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

      hey 1.3 isnt slow lol...I've had W2K running on it for its life cuz the MB I had wouldn't load XP properly. I'll have to find a pc that uses DDR cuz most of the peeps I know still have SDRam :/ ty for your time.


      • #4
        Re: New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

        Just out of curiosity, did you reset the CMOS when you built the system? If you've got a setting in there that your components don't like, it can cause problems during your XP install.

        As to the slow part... while I do agree with the statement (I'm spoiled I guess), it is fast enough to run WinXP. I have several slower machines than this at work that run it fine. With your 1GB of memory, you should have few problems.
        Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
        My Toys


        • #5
          Re: New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

          yep cleared the CMOS, according to some digging on the net I've found that its a known problem that the setup stalls for winxp and W2K but can't seem to find a solution to it although they state on other review sites they dont have a problem installing. go figure :/

          As for the slow part, one of my friends has an old intel 200mhz running xp so there :) now thats slow lol


          • #6
            Re: New MB with Win XP Pro wont install

            If it is a known issue, it may be nothing more than a FLASH needed for the mainboard. Might check out the manufacturer website and see if they have an updated BIOS offered up for you.
            Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
            My Toys

