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XP & about:blank

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  • XP & about:blank

    i have a mate with a abig prob. he unfortunately fell victim to the about:blank virus (Trojan?) and went about trying to get rid of this nasty piece of work. seems after much hair pulling and teeth gnashing he's been succesful, however he now has more probs than ever. since removing all trace of this virus from XP he cant download using IE, he can no longer copy/paste in any way, shape or form and he has been unable to use System Restore in any way. i have suggested that he reinstall XP (no format) and i was wondering if this is the way to go? or if there is some other way around this prob?

  • #2
    Re: XP & about:blank

    Sounds to me like the core IE 6.0 files have been trashed, I suggest your friend reinstalls Internet Explorer 6, it should replace the files, please note however you cant simply just run the reinstall, it will say your already running the latest version, so visit this site for details on how to reinstall IE 6.



    • #3
      Re: XP & about:blank

      tks for ya help Gary. worked a treat and all up and running :)

