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Windows Image Acquisition Hung on Starting

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  • Windows Image Acquisition Hung on Starting

    After my XP SP2 install, my PC hangs for 3-4 minutes at start-up....Event Viewer says 'WIA hung at starting'. Somebody suggested disabling the WIA service.
    I read a little bit and learned this is for scanner/digital camera support, Microsoft provided a page to reference supported scanners, and my HP4200C is on their list. , now what ? I'm thinking if I disable this service, my scanner won't work. I don't want to disable it if it'll interfere with my camera & scanner, also don't want to uninstall SP2....but don't want 3-4 minute reboots either.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.....

  • #2
    Re: Windows Image Acquisition Hung on Starting

    I'd suggest disabling it when you don't use your scanner, and also disable the software from starting up. In fact, prevent the software from starting up on its own if it already does. That could actually fix it. If not, leave it disabled while you're not using it. When you use it, switch it to manual and start it (in services.msc, of course, don't use msconfig or anything else for disabling services).

    Also, i believe there's a thread around here in which I mention which new services in SP2 can be disabled. Disabling them may even fix the problem, but I doubt it.

    On a side note, it really is most likely that the software is the problem, rather than SP2, assuming it starts up with the computer (and coming from HP, I'd bet it does). SP1 may have allowed for some poorly-coded applications to work properly, while SP2 fixes the lack of proper code, but causes those same applications to cease functioning properly. That's just my theory, but I believe the same type of thing happened in SP1.


    • #3
      Re: Windows Image Acquisition Hung on Starting

      sweet, many thanks.
      kept thinking I would just keep the service disabled and figured I'd start it when needed, never dawned on me to just keep it in manual mode and start it on the fly !. Starts & restarts without a boot, I just rebooted and it's back to normal !!

      thanks again....

