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Constant svchost.exe application errors

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  • Constant svchost.exe application errors

    I have 2 computers network through a NetGear router with Earthlink DSL. Every time I loaded IE (or anything else that access the web) both computers get constant SVCHOST.Exe application errors. The text of the message is:
    "The instruction at "0x009a96bc" referenced memory at "0x0000000". The memory could not be "written".
    It is the same message on both systems though the address changes on 1.

    Someone suggest that:
    "With IE closed, right click the IE icon on the desktop and select Properties. In the window that opens, click the Advanced tab and scroll down to where it shows "Enable third party browser extensions (requires restart)". Is that checked. if so, uncheck it and click Ok to close the window."

    After unchecking "enable third party browser extensions" the problem is better and I am not getting the error when accessing the web.

    I just ran Adaware with updated definitions and all it found were some tracking cookies (which I've removed). I've got Norton Anti Virus 2004 with current virus definitions and ran a full system scan on both systems and they were clean. These systems are connected with a router and Norton Internet Security with its firewall is also running. I have also tried turning all of that off, but it didn't make a difference.

    Now I see that I get this error when not accessing the web in anyway, but accessing a network place (from one computer to the other) or My Computer.

    Does anyone have any idea what else to look for and how to cure this? I am at the end of my rope over this and don't know what to do.


  • #2
    Re: Constant svchost.exe application errors

    I got rid of mine by unchecking it in run/msconfig/startup.

    problem solved.


    • #3
      Re: Constant svchost.exe application errors

      You can try repairing windows XP,

      You could try the two methods of repairing I.E.

      Method 1: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Repair for Windows XP

      From the Start menu, select Run.
      In the Open field, type sfc /scannow (Note: There is a space between sfc and /scannow)
      Select the OK button.
      Follow the prompts throughout the System File Checker process.
      Reboot the computer when System File Checker completes.

      Method 2: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Repair for Windows XP

      From the Start menu, select Search, select All Files and Folders.
      Select More Advanced Options and place a checkmark beside Search Hidden Files and Folders option.
      Ensure that Search System Folders and Search Subfolders are also checked.
      In the All or Part of the File Name box, type ie.inf
      In the Look In drop-down menu, select C: or the letter of the hard drive that contains the Windows folder.
      Click the Search button.
      In the search results pane, find the ie.inf file located in Windows\Inf folder.
      Right click the ie.inf file and click Install on the context menu.
      Reboot the computer when the file copy process is complete.

      But before you try these, make sure you download the installer for IE 6.0, as if these dont work, another solution is to reinstall IE ( when IE is corrupt, you can find windows explorer crashes all the times, hence why it could be the cause of crashing even when not surfing the net )



      • #4
        Re: Constant svchost.exe application errors

        According to posts I've read elsewhere the "svchost.exe application error: "the instruction at "0x009a96bc" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be written." error is related to HP all-in-one printer like 7310, 7410, 2710 etc, and XP service pack 2. HP is working on a driver update.

        In the meantime, here's a fix that worked for me.
        Step 1) When you boot you will get this error. Open Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in XP and there should be a check box that will allow you to create an exception for this error. It may be shown as a Generic Host Application. Check that box and reboot your PC. The error should not show up.

        Step 2) Now go back into DEP and uncheck the exception, so DEP will do its thing. Reboot your PC and the error should not show up again.

        Apparently once it runs once it doesn't do it again. It may show up again if you update HP s/w that doesn't include the fix, but so far it hasn't popped up on me again after a week of running.

        I suggest you update all you HP drivers and software before executing Step 1. Please let me know how this worked for you.

