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Backing up Windows updates?

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  • Backing up Windows updates?

    First off, thanks in advance if anyone is able to help me out :)

    I'm just getting used to running PC's again after a long time of not having one (my last PC was and old P3, around 800MHz). Hell, this is the first time I've even touched Windows XP.

    Anyways, what I'm wondering is, is it possible to make back-ups of the Windows patches / updates? The ones I'm referring to are the ones that show up in the Add/Remove Programs list under the Windows Updates. I know on my Mac, there was an option that let you keep thepdates so you could back them up if you wanted, and that's kind of what I'm going for here. I only have dial-up (please oh please, refrain from telling me to upgrade to broadband, I would if I could), and although I haven't had any big patches yet, it would still pain me to have to spend a whole day downloading updates all over again when the day that I have to restore my system comes along.

    Again, thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: Backing up Windows updates?

    Windows XP keeps registry and file save points from which you can restore you computer. Plus you can always go into Add/Remove Software and remove installed patches (they will be named according to their MS Q#)

    Hope this helps.

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