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How to print a PRN file in Windows XP?

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  • How to print a PRN file in Windows XP?

    I've searched the internet, I've found advice to go into CMD and type "copy xxxx.prn LPT1 /B" but that doesn't do anything. I've even tried "copy xxxx.prn USB001 /B" but still nothing.

    I didn't expect printing a PRN file would be a challenge, I've tried dragging the files into msword still nothing.

    These are files that I've printed to file and all I want to do is print them. Can anyone figure this out please? Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: How to print a PRN file in Windows XP?

    I'm guessing this is the Google result you found. Here's an MS article, but it doesn't look like it says much more.

    I don't know, maybe I can help you more when it's not 2:00 AM...


    • #3
      Re: How to print a PRN file in Windows XP?

      Thanks for trying. I posted on CNET, someone over there knew a tiny freeware program that did the job, heres the quote:

      I just did this, I know it works.
      I have a USB connected HP printer, but it should also work with a parallel printer.
      I also used it on my networked printer.

      Get PrintFile.

      I created a PRN file, and placed the PRN file on my desktop.
      I created a PS (PostScript) file and also placed it on my desktop.
      I then used PrintFile to send the PRN file on my USB connected HP printer. It printed fine.
      I also then used PrintFile to send the PS file to my networked PostScript printer. It printed fine.

      Thanks again.

