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Vista block disable....

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  • Vista block disable....

    I can think of a bunch of settings I could ask about but the one thing that bothers me the most about Vista is that whenever I install a program Vista wants to block it everytime, when I try to use it I have to click allow the program to run or some programs will even show up on the program block list in the lower right hand corner of the desktop upon boot up time after time. How can I disable this?

  • #2
    Re: Vista block disable....

    User Access Control can be turned off thru the User settings in the Control Panel.


    • #3
      Re: Vista block disable....

      Originally posted by wayout44 View Post
      User Access Control can be turned off thru the User settings in the Control Panel.

      OK I found that but now I have a little red shield with a white X on the lower right hand corner of the screen. Windows security alerts is the only thing left to get rid of but I still trying to figure out how to disable that.

      PS. there is no CHANGE THE WAY SECURITY CENTER ALERTS ME option in the windows securty center either.

      Update--- Got it! Had to enable securty center in services just to get the stupid option to be revealed. Christ almighty, you'd think you could be completly done with the dang thing once its totally disabled but noway. Thats just wacky! Microsoft is more annoying than a mosquito swarm in your tent.
      Last edited by Spongebob; 04-25-2007, 11:43 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Vista block disable....

        Installing XP will fix all your Vista errors........
        GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
        AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
        Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
        Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
        Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
        PC P&C 500W PSU
        2TB Seagate
        Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


        • #5
          Re: Vista block disable....

          Originally posted by casecutter View Post
          Installing XP will fix all your Vista errors........
          Can't do that.... Its on a laptop. The person that is buying it from me would be OK with XP on it and I'd love to put it on there but the driver support is horrible for Toshiba laptops. Its an A105-s4397 model. There are no XP drivers for this system listed on Toshibas website. I did a search on some of the drivers and found a few in random places that would work but short of actually opening it up and finding numbers on the hardware for it I might be looking at hours and hours of work. Plus all the sofware that comes with the laptop might not be compatible with XP like the figure print reader, bluetooth, ect. I don't know forsure but I'm thinking I'd be asking for trouble if I go that way. She will probably eventually want XP on there anyway since I have a feeling some of those old programs she uses might not be compatible with Vista but I'm shying away from an XP install because of driver support. Any other suggestions about drivers? I'm more than willing to put XP on here in a heart beat if I can find an easy way to get drivers.....

          I've already tried some of the Vista drivers on Toshiba's website because I did attempt to go with XP yesterday but the vista drivers I tried didn't work for sound, video, ect and hell there isn't even a chipset driver to be found there or on the disc but with XP I do need one this laptop. They must have hid it somewhere on the recovery disc because I can't find it not to mention a few others.
          Last edited by Spongebob; 04-25-2007, 09:16 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Vista block disable....

            I feel your pain. I just don't understand why laptop makers don't make it easier to find drivers. I think the only solution is to just do some heavy duty research on how to use Vista. You're probably better off giving her Vista in it's finest so she can learn to work around all the permissions and other stupidity they decided Vista needed. Otherwise, she's gonna be calling you daily to ask why things work wrong or she can't get stuff done. Vista is poorly done and needs to go the way of the Dodo (or ME).
            GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
            AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
            Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
            Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
            Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
            PC P&C 500W PSU
            2TB Seagate
            Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


            • #7
              Re: Vista block disable....

              Oh the calls. Did you have to remind me of that....?

              When I first sold the laptop to her a few days ago she wanted a refund the next day... The laptop was slow for her becuase Macafee was preinstalled and she couldn't stand all the security stuff popping up left and right and then more ontop of that from Windows. Christ even the lan was slow becuase of it.

              I told her to give me a chance to tweak things to make them better.
              It seems good now. But I'm wishing the XP thing would have been an easy option since I know my way around that OS.
              She even thought the laptop was broken becuase right after she quit using it the system was factory set to log off. Try to explain that and all the crapolla to a novice that has been using an older system I had tweaked to the max without all the Microsoft bull**** starting up. Internet the instance the browser opened and no popups and now a system with a new OS complete with the manufactures bloatware.


              • #8
                Re: Vista block disable....

                I definitely feel your pain right now. I run a small PC business out of my house building PC's. Anythime one of my customers asks about Vista I quickly scream "NO!" and smack their nose with a rolled up newspaper (figuratively of course). Infact, right now I am building 20 PC's for someone for an Internet Cafe and thankfully he insisted on XP. You may want to consider just selling her current laptop and buying a XP friendly unit. I think you are gonna be in for a helluva ride trying to get her used to an OS that does not belong on the market.
                GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
                AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
                Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
                Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
                Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
                PC P&C 500W PSU
                2TB Seagate
                Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


                • #9
                  Re: Vista block disable....

                  Originally posted by casecutter View Post
                  I definitely feel your pain right now. I run a small PC business out of my house building PC's. Anythime one of my customers asks about Vista I quickly scream "NO!" and smack their nose with a rolled up newspaper (figuratively of course). Infact, right now I am building 20 PC's for someone for an Internet Cafe and thankfully he insisted on XP. You may want to consider just selling her current laptop and buying a XP friendly unit. I think you are gonna be in for a helluva ride trying to get her used to an OS that does not belong on the market.
                  The old laptop she has is one of my old one I use to own. Its an HP with XP on it.
                  My wife won this new Toshiba laptop and this other lady was looking for something newer and faster and we figured this was a good chance to sell it, since we have no use for it except as a door stop.
                  Upon opening the new Toshiba up and plugging it in you can about imagine what she thought about it with the Vista blocks, the manufactures bloatware, and the ativirus software all kicking in on bootup. FRICKING SLOW!!!!! Worse than the old HP she said!
                  I offered her a refund but I really don't want it back since selling it again opened will be tough to get the price I want. I hope she likes it better now.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vista block disable....

                    I wish there would be some kind of 'Tweaker's Edition' to Vista. One that was a barebones operating system that just had the necessary things. Anyone can install their own antivirus!!! The os should only be able to run / install apps and to tell you if anything is wrong. Vista is such a control freak!

                    I kind of get the sense that Vista is really going to be a pain.

                    By the way, we wouldn't even need a virus protection software if there weren't so many backdoors!!!!!!!!!
                    Last edited by [email protected]; 04-25-2007, 08:36 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Vista block disable....

                      Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
                      I wish there would be some kind of 'Tweaker's Edition' to Vista. One that was a barebones operating system that just had the necessary things. Anyone can install their own antivirus!!! The os should only be able to run / install apps and to tell you if anything is wrong. Vista is such a control freak!

                      I kind of get the sense that Vista is really going to be a pain.

                      By the way, we wouldn't even need a virus protection software if there weren't so many backdoors!!!!!!!!!

                      I think Microsoft forgot people were actually suppose to use an operating system for other things other than worry about a possible virus.
                      After trying Vista, I'd almost bet Bill Gates wears a life jacket when he goes to the desert, just incase he might find some water to drown in.


                      • #12
                        Re: Vista block disable....

                        The only way Vista can keep virus' and other baddies out is by the relentless blocking and permissions masks. It really is garbage.
                        GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
                        AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
                        Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
                        Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
                        Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
                        PC P&C 500W PSU
                        2TB Seagate
                        Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


                        • #13
                          Re: Vista block disable....

                          Originally posted by casecutter View Post
                          I definitely feel your pain right now. I run a small PC business out of my house building PC's. Anythime one of my customers asks about Vista I quickly scream "NO!" and smack their nose with a rolled up newspaper (figuratively of course).
                          The thing is, and I'm in your same boat, but Vista is here and we will have to learn our way around it sooner or later (just like MEss).

                          I decided on sooner so I built a Vista PC to join my XP ones (my networked printers and scanner are well supported) so those ppl who do have new Dells in town (and the surrounding country side) now (6 at last count) will have someone who can sort their probs out for them when the time comes.


                          • #14
                            Re: Vista block disable....

                            I hear ya, but I refuse to buy Vista and I will not offer support to my customers for Vista until the time comes that M$ has seen fit to make it function properly. I understand that millions of happy Vista users don't mind the grief, but there is no way I can support an OS that is so new and full of bugs. I personally hope it goes the way of ME because there is no reason XP cannot run DX10. Hackers have already proven DX10 will run in XP and they even are getting windows games to run under Linux and UNIX with the same code they used to hack DX10. M$ needs to be exposed for the fraud they perpetrate on people for telling us what we must have to run our PC's. I know I sound like I am hawking a conspirtacy theory, but M$ shouldn't need to make another $20 Billion off of consumers for code that should be properly working when released.
                            GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
                            AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
                            Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
                            Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
                            Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
                            PC P&C 500W PSU
                            2TB Seagate
                            Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


                            • #15
                              Re: Vista block disable....

                              She said the laptop was good now...............A HUGE improvement!

                              Vista actually doesn't seem that bad after its been tweaked a little in my opinion, maybe not a $100+ upgrade not that bad but it can easily be made tolerable. Too bad MS had to force so many useless settings on a home user with a default install. Its a real shame.

                              When is TT's Win Vista tweak guide coming about?
                              Last edited by Spongebob; 04-29-2007, 04:47 PM.

