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Cursor skips when typing

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  • Cursor skips when typing

    This may have already been answered but I can't seem to locate a solution.

    The OS I am using is WinXP PRO, desktop and WinXP Home on the laptop.

    Whenever I am typing, regardless of the program I am using, i.e. word, explorer, logins, notepad, etc., the cursor will skip to somewhere else in the document while I am typing. This happens on my desktop and also on a recently purchased HP laptop. Is there a tweak in XP or fix to resolve this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: Cursor skips when typing

    you don't have 2 wireless keyboards do you?


    • #3
      Re: Cursor skips when typing

      no wireless keyboard or mouse.


      • #4
        Re: Cursor skips when typing

        hmmm on the laptop the num lock could be on - this can cause this type of behaviour (laptops generally don't have a separate numeric keyboard and thus "remap" normal keys into num lock keys).

        this shouldn't be happening on the desktop thou.

        Is it specific keys causing this?

        or can you just hit F (for example) lots of times and at some point it will jump?


        • #5
          Re: Cursor skips when typing

          I have not noticed if it's a particular key or not, only that when I am typing anything, numbers or letters, this occurs. Not all the time, but very frequently. I have read posts around the net, not just here, of the same problem and no one gives a solution :-)

          Can be quite annoying when doing a paper or letter.

          Thanks for taking the time to help.


          • #6
            Re: Cursor skips when typing

            things to try

            - ensure that you don't have a virus and/or spyware/adware causing it

            - latest video card drivers

            - make sure that none of your keys are getting stuck when you type, had several at work where the cntrl key got "stuck" halfway down - caused all sorts of weird problems.

