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  • BAD_POOL_HEADER --BSOD-- Laptops.

    Hey folks. Whats shakin???
    K ive looked lots and found no help for this one. But might have found it by mistake ( trial & error ).
    Im runnin a Dell 2600 inspiron 512 ram, 1.06 ghz 80 mg HD dvd brnr, SP2 ( <--get rid of ?? ) wireless G card
    I been getin the friggin BSOD for some while, Got xp reinstalled a few times only to have it go agian. I pretty much narrowed it to my Wireless card. I installed the drivers for it and WHAMMO!!! ----bsod---- Bad Pool Header style. Ive talked around and everyone who sems to have a laptop, has the same sorrows, If they have a wireless card. Firgureing it may be the driver, i uninstalled them and use windows supplied ones. Works fine for me, for like, a week. Or longer if i remove the card, But then life is boreing. Anyone know why they do this ?? or is it this service pak 2 i hear about, or is it all of them plus more??? Any hints, tips, or tricks, will do, but Help would be helpful
    . Kermet

  • #2
    Re: BAD_POOL_HEADER --BSOD-- Laptops.

    By the way......What does BAD POOL HEADER mean?? i also got BAD POOL and BAD POOL CALLER a few times... what do these things mean?


    • #3
      Re: BAD_POOL_HEADER --BSOD-- Laptops.

      It is a pretty generic error message that usually means that you have driver issues, but you already know that from the sounds of things. The issue is more than likely the poor driver support from your wireless card manufacturer. For years I always used Windows drivers for any SoundBlaster sound card for the same reasons. If the Windows drivers work well and give you the functionality you need, keep using them.
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        Re: BAD_POOL_HEADER --BSOD-- Laptops.

        Kermit:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

        Dell, Inc.<o:p></o:p>


        • #5
          Re: BAD_POOL_HEADER --BSOD-- Laptops.

          As there are only a few vendors that actually make wireless chipsets, Broadcom & Atheros come to mind first. chances are any wireless NIC will use one of their chipsets if the vendor that makes your card hasn't updated the drivers recently try the generic drivers from the chipset manufacturer

