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Want to Change OS

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  • Want to Change OS

    Okies here's the deal.

    I'm running Windows Media Center.

    I would Like to upgrade to XP Pro (since I'm sitting on a copy that's never been used)

    However! There are some features with Media Center (some proggies etc) that I would like to keep.

    My hard drive is partitioned C: is all my junk. D: is all sys restore junk.

    Ideas on the best way to do this? I also have no idea how would be the best way to back up all my drivers for other programs (Like my net connection*) and all that good stuff.

    (Net Connection Explanation: I connect to the net via a tether to my cell. Expensive.. yes... (@ 60.00/month) However! I can't get anything else out here and I'm not daring to go back to dialup.)

  • #2
    Re: Want to Change OS

    [Edit ~ I just noticed this request is 2 months old. Oh well.]

    Well, it depends how much room you have on your system. If it has space, your safest option would be to create a new partition—which you would do with Partition Magic, because XP's partition manager doesn't work for what this job entails.

    Then you could put your XP on the new partition, and it would automatically set up a dual-boot system for you. You could use one or the other (not both) according to your choice at startup.

    This lets you try things out and take your time configuring your new OS. For example, I upgraded a friend's Windows ME box by doing exactly this, and leaving him with his ME still exactly as it was (albeit in a smaller partition) plus Windows 2000. He could do some things with Windows 2000 that he couldn't do with ME.

    Your two OSs can both read your files. In fact, you can use one OS to fix the other OS. It is very handy. You have basically two computers in one case.

    You can put XP in about 4GB, minimum. I have one smaller than that in my mini-notebook Eee. More comfortably, XP does pretty well in a partition of, say, 10 to 20GB.

    I said you'd need Partition Magic, but only for that one job. I prefer to use XP's own partition manager for everything else.

    But DON'T put XP in the same partition as your present OS.

    Personally, I would do a lot of DVD-burning at this point, and I'd back up all my best stuff onto DVDs so it is safely off the computer. I'd make things as small as possible. If you like the way things are running, get rid of all but the last Sys Restore Point. When it is all clean and mean, do a good defrag of your partitions. Then get hold of Partition Magic and see what it can do for you.

    A more messy way, but an easier way (which doesn't require Partition Magic), is to just put your XP on your Drive (D). Actually the only thing that a new install of Windows will REALLY NOT LIKE is to see a folder that says "Windows" in the same partition. You can actually install a new OS onto a partition which already has OTHER folders on it, and most likely "Aunt Martha's Wedding" will still be there when you boot up your new OS.

    Most likely. Er—read those two words again: "Most likely".

    If you do go for a dual boot, make sure you get Mad Dog's freeware Boot ChOSer when you're done. Using it, you can pre-select the OS you want the system to restart in, and get yourself a coffee while Windows trades OSs. You don't need to be there when it boots.
    MaDdoG product: Boot ChoOSer

    Good luck, and have fun.
    AMD Athlon 64 x2 5600+
    Gigabyte AM2+ GA-MA78GM-S2H ver 1.1. BIOS (newest) F11
    NB: AMD780G. SB: AMD SB700
    RAM 8GB (2 kits @ 4GB each) G.Skill DDR2-1000 (F2-8000CL5D-4GBPQ PC2-8000 x2 CL5-5-5-15) running as DDR2-800
    Case Antec P150
    PSU Corsair HX520W. (PSU calc by Corsair + NCIX; tested by TT Dr Power.)
    Cooling Xigmatek HDT-S1283 heatsink (Arctic Silver 5); 6 fans
    HDDs usable 1.7 TB Video ATI Radeon HD4670
    Monitor 22" LG W2242TQ w/Belkin DVI-D
    Sound Altec Lansing 5.1
    Mouses (2) Logi MX620 + Logi V220
    KB Simple Perfection backlit USB
    No gaming; heavy simultaneous use of big programs
    System built Nov 2008

