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Plagiarism of Windows XP SP1 Guide

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  • Plagiarism of Windows XP SP1 Guide

    Plagiarism is the best form of flattery, right?

    One of our readers let us know that HACKERSTYLE.COM copied our Windows XP SP1 Upgrade word for word, even the HTML for images links as you'll soon see.

    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd

  • #2
    Come on, Tweak.. you can tell us! You've been moonlighting again at HACKERSTYLE, haven't you! :no:

    I wonder how they could expect to get away with that, as closely linked as the collection of tweaking sites are on the internet!
    Chris "Raven"
    News Crew - TweakTown
    <font size=1>
    <font color=green>Main Beast:</font>
    - Athlon XP 1800+@1701MHz | EPoX 8KHA+ | Corsair 512MB XMS3200C2 | GeForce3 Ti200
    - 2x80GB WD 7200RPM | 40x12x48 Sony CDRW | Pioneer 16X DVD
    - Swiftech MCX462+ / Tt Smart Case Fan 2 | Antec 1030SX case w/ 431W Enermax PSU
    // -->
    "Look at life like your morning cup of coffee. You might have one every day, yet you still enjoy it."

    How to ask a good question


    • #3
      They're dense Tweak. They just removed the coding for the pic. You'll have to do this the hard way since they can't seem to take a hint. :(
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        That's pretty funny.. they left this in: "The author of this program and TweakTown have no connection" in reagard to the serial gen.. :rolleyes2


        • #5
          I got a response, for those interested...


          It wasn't mine intension to steal your article. I just thought it should look prettier directly from mine site =)
          I respect someones work so if you want it removed from mine server, I'll do so.

          I hope you are not too mad about it so we can forget the whole 'stealing' thing.


          HS -
          Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
          Managing Director
          Tweak Town Pty Ltd


          • #6
            Lock 'em up & throw away the keys. They be busted.


            • #7
              Did you write back Tweak?
              - Damien


              • #8
                Originally posted by Flaco
                Did you write back Tweak?
                Not yet.
                Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                Managing Director
                Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                • #9
                  Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                  Managing Director
                  Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                  • #10
                    heh couldn't see it apparently they took it down already. anyway apparently there logo isn't too original either! They stole there logo design and made a cheap wanna-be copy of the band metallica's logo when they used it between 83-91! Who agrees with me?


                    • #11
                      Seems they took the hint.... it's gone!:shoot3:


                      • #12
                        well not completely gone..... but better then it was?


                        • #13
                          Heh heh, that's pretty funny, especially the guys response to you. Heh heh.

                          An article on how to steal something and it gets stolen! Hilarious!

                          Bill Gates might even have found it amusing, though I kinda doubt it ;)

                          BTW I did download and install the 1106. The second link is the one that worked for me. It installed like a champ, just like you said it would ;)

                          The only small glitch I had was that upon checking my settings I saw that my system restore was suspended on drive C saying suspended meant not enough room on the HDD. I knew this was BS because I have like 3 Gigs free on that drive. I was starting to get a bit worried but then I went and created a system restore point and then went back and checked and it was then changed from suspended to monitoring. Must have been a small glitch that was cleared up.

                          So far, so good.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN
                            well not completely gone..... but better then it was?

                            That should work out just fine. It's now nothing more than a news blurb with an appropriate link to our site. Just the way it should be.
                            Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                            My Toys


                            • #15
                              ya that's pretty much exactly what I ment it to be

